Chapter 1

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TIM POV: I've always been fascinated with the element of fate. How our lives can change in an instant, due to an event or person. My life has had many major moments of fate. The day I found out my father was actually my step-father was one of which changed my life forever. From the age of 11, I grew up without a father. There's nothing like discovering your real father is a famous ball player that you've idolized for years, and having him pay you off. That moment taught me who I am. It was fate that led to me discovering Tug.

Fate has done good things for me too. I mean, thanks to me missing the bus one afternoon, I managed to become high school quarterback. And one fateful day in sophomore year, I met her... 

She's the girl of my dreams. Blonde velvet curls, shaped around a breathtaking smile, and bright hazel eyes. She's the girl a boy like me can't get out of their head. Her laugh is infectious, yet hits your ears like a harp. From the moment we locked eyes, I knew I had to have her. 

"Who's she?" I asked my best friend, Matt. 

"That's the new chick, Audrey." He said, seeming to have the same interest as me. "She's in my honors Chem class." He added. She's smart too... 

"What's her story?" I asked. Matt laughs. 

"You interested?" He joked. 

"Maybe a little." I lie. His smile faded as he proceeded to tell me about how her father killed himself while she was at school, so she moved into her mother's house here in Louisiana. She was the one who found his body...

"She's tough, Tim." Matt acknowledged. I nodded and headed right toward her. She was standing at her locker, wearing pale, faded jeans and a black sweater. Her hair was insanely curly, and clipped half back, so it wouldn't block her eyes. I stood beside her locker, trying to look smooth. It became clear to me very quickly that she doesn't fall for that. 

"Hi." I said, smiling at her. She gave me a weird look. 

"Hey?" She said hesitantly. I could hear Matt laugh from all the way down the hall. 

"I'm Tim. I understand you're new here?" I said, trying to play it cool. She nodded, slowly coming out of her bulletproof shell.

"Yeah. I'm Audrey." She said, putting out her hand to shake mine. I did as she suggested, and shook her hand. 

"Well I wish you the best of luck on your first day! Don't be afraid to flag me down if you're lost or have a question or want to talk." I said. She nodded and said thank you. I walked away, feeling successful as Matt was quick to call out everything I did wrong. 

Senior year, and we are still together. Although a major shock to the rest of the school, I don't see us breaking up anytime soon. She's the best thing to ever happen to me. There's no way I'd let that slip away... 

She walks over to my locker with a pep in her step. I smile as her bright smile takes over me. 

"Hey baby." She says with her sweet Mississippi accent. 

"Hey. What's up?" I say, leaning down and giving her a kiss. She pulls away, holding her smile. 

"Nothin', I was just thinking about homecoming and everything..." She says, sounding excited. 


"Well, I was thinking that you and I could maybe win this thing..." She says, referring to the homecoming king and queen crowns. I smile, but keep my mouth shut, because I know we already won. The committee told me that so many people voted for us, that there wasn't much use in continuing to vote. Over half of the school chose us, over the three other couples. They told me not to tell Audrey, so it'd be a surprise for her. I agree with them. I want her to be surprised. 

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