Chapter 4

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Jacks Pov

David was talking with me and Corbyn earlier today and he said the tour must go on no matter what happens, so despite the fact, our best friends are missing we have to go on tour...great

David said there is a new opening act on stand by just in case they don't come back in time...all I can say is if they don't show up I don't know what I'm going to do. Without Lauren here I'm losing my mind, she always helps me stay level and she helps me with everything,

But honestly, I think I'm the least upset about this, even though it's destroying me, none of the boys are themselves hardly a word had been spoken between the lot of us since the night they went missing, almost a week ago.

I was getting some water this morning and Daniel came into the kitchen and all color was drained from his face, he was wearing what I believe to be Laurens oversized hoodie the hood was up covering part of his face, but I could see his eyes, they were red and poofy, the normally bright blue color drained completely leaving a dull color.

he sat down on the island and put his head into his hands, I went and sat next to him and I placed a hand onto his shoulder "it's going to be okay buddy, I promise we will find them"

"but what if we don't jack, what if they are gone," he said looking up

"hey its okay," I said hugging him as tears began streaming from his face "they will be okay I know it, they are strong girls they got each other don't they?" I smiled

"I guess your right," he said wiping his eye "thanks jack"

I took my phone out of my pocket and saw a message David sent us all saying he wants us in the studio to rehearse in an hour, id try to argue but I know there is no point. none of us have really eaten anything since they went missing but if we're going to be rehearsing we are going to be needing something inside of us so I'm going to drive over to in and out and get us all something so we don't pass out when were rehearsing.

Jonah's Pov
I feel so empty and lost without the girls right now. I don't know what do to. All I want is to find them and hug them all, especially Sammy. I miss her so much.

David is making us go to rehearsals so jack got us all food that we are all eating in the back of the car on the way to the studio.

Dead silence is filling the air and you can feel the grey cloud hanging over us all.

None of us want to do rehearsals.
None of us feel like we can do rehearsals.
But hey, it's for the fans.

That's what we have to keep reminding our selves and each other 'for the fans'

We climbed out of the car and went into the studio where David was waiting for us
"Okay boys, vocal warm ups in a minute, but first I have to talk to you all" he said rubbing his hands together

"What is it" I said completely monotoned

"Well the opening act, if Amy isn't back we will obviously have to find someone else to do it, we've found a girl to open for you guys, I think she's pretty awesome and you should get along nicely" he smiled

"Great" Jack said in a similar tone to the way I spoke. Sounding completely dead.

"Her name is Alicia" David said

My head sprung up, I looked at Corbyn who was looking at me with a 'is it' look

I shook my head, no it can't be. It's just a name, millions of people have that name. Besides isn't she in jail? I don't know I hope so

"Everything okay" David asked observing the look on my face

" I-I think" I said snapping out of it "that name just brings back a few memories that's all" I said scratching the back of my neck

"Alrighty then, warm up those voice boxes of your guys" David said handing Daniel a guitar

He held it giving it a strange look and started to sounded so off-key "s..sorry" announced his strained voice
He tried again but a similar thing happened, it was as if he'd forgotten how to play

Corbyn took the guitar from his arms giving him a warm smile as he started to strum the correct notes as we warmed up out vocal cords

I looked over at David who had his face scrunched up a little listening to our clearly off-tuned voices

"Okay guys stop" he said loudly "I know it's hard right now, but you can't let down your fans, please just try to focus on the fans rather then what's happening right now"

"It's kind of hard when our best friends are missing" Zach piped up in a depressed tone from the back of the room

"I know it is Zach, I know but please, for the fans"

He made us look through our tags and see all the stuff fans were saying about us, all the happy things and then he made us talk about them to distract us before making us try singing again

I put on a fake smile and went along with it but my mine was fixed solely on one thing. Alicia.

I'd managed to block her from my head till now but all I can think about now is...what if it really is her?

How the heck am I meant to go on tour with my girlfriend and her friends missing with my psychotic ex who almost killed one of my best friends while she is MISSING.

But I mean come on, the chances of that are like 1 in a million...right?

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