Chapter 3

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Daniel's Pov
It's day five of the girls gone and I feel so lost and I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

I couldn't sleep last night...or any night honestly...but last night I decided to go into Lauren's room.

I opened the door and just stood there looking at the things in her room.

The half-eaten chocolate bar on her desk
The jumpers piled on her chair
The bed nearly made

I went over to her closet and pulled out one of her grey hoodies and pulled it over my head.
I know I know that's not a very manly thing to do but I this point I didn't care. I missed my girlfriend.
Due to the size of the hoodie being extra large it buried me in a similar way it did Lauren.
I pulled the sleeves over my hands and put them to my tear filled face
It smelled like Lauren's perfume

Now sat up against her bed I pulled my knees up to my chest and held them tight sobbing uncontrollably as awful visions flew through my head

What if I never saw her again. What if she didn't come home. 
What if she's hurt...
What if she's dea....
No Daniel stop it. Don't think like that. She's going to be okay.

I stood up and walked back to my room taking my phone, my headphones and my keys and silently walking through the front door of the house despite it being 2:30 am

I decided to go for a walk along a trail Lauren showed me a few weeks ago when we first got back out to LA from Dallas. Where we went for our first date of the new year.

I sat on a bench looking towards the horizon as my mind ran to places it should not have gone to thinking about the girls
I just don't know what to do

The sun started to rise and all I could think about was how much Lauren loved to watch the sun coming up and how we would often go on runs to get to a place to watch it in the mornings

I stood up gripping the grey hoodie tights as it rested upon my body and I started to head back but before I did I took a beautiful picture

I stood up gripping the grey hoodie tights as it rested upon my body and I started to head back but before I did I took a beautiful picture

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Liked by jonahmarais,
always.y/n and 783,387 others 
@seaveydaniel I miss you please come back
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@danielcv97 had that Lauren has done something I swear girl if you broke his heart I'll kill you @imlaurenherron

@wdwdrama Daniel disabled comments on a post that was captioned 'I miss you please come back' lyrics or has he had a fight with Lauren? What do you think

@fan57 @imlaurenherron I swear if you've hurt him I'll hurt you

@wdwfan3 anyone else concerned about the girls, none of them have posted a thing in almost a week

@lanielshipper I hope your both okay @seaveydaniel @imlaurenherron

I saw my phone blowing up with tags and tweets, more then it usually does and I looked to see everyone thinking me and Lauren have broken up. They are all hating on her and I feel awful. It's all my fault. I decided to try clear things up

@seaveydaniel hey guys, just wanted to hop on here real quick to say that Lauren and I are still together and very happy. My Instagram caption was not about her. So please everyone stop hating on her, thanks love you all ♥️

I really hope that worked. I do just want to tell the fans but our managers said it wasn't good for our publicity and that being involved in this would get us in 'negative popularity' whatever that's supposed to mean. But I guess they are right. I don't want the fans worrying about them 

Isabelle's Pov
Me and the other girls have been here for I don't even know how long at this point and nothing had really happened to us. We've just been thrown in a basement

We managed to get off the hand ties pretty easily with each other's help so that's a plus I guess?

I don't know I'm just scared.

I'm still scared about how she's even here and by she I mean...

"Listen up" Yelled a voice from the other side of the door as someone banged against the wood

"please just tell me what you want with us" Lauren pleaded running towards the door

"Well, I've come up with a compromise" she said in her cruel tone

"Just tell me, I want out" I said on the verge of crying "I don't want to be here anymore"

"You all never leave and I get to go open for the boys on tour!" She squealed "then everyone will love me" she cackled

"And how do you think that's going to work?" Amy Asked "they wouldn't just let a nobody open"

"They would when their daddy pays the manager 6 thousand dollars to let Me" she giggled

"So you've done it?" Sammy Asked deflated "you've taken their place just like that"

"Mhm" she said enthusiastically. I actually wanted to punch her so hard.

Lauren started pounding on the door "you can't do this" she screamed through the tears

"Oh honey, I already have" and with that footsteps could be heard walking away from the door

"We have to do something" I said

"Well obviously we can't stay down here forever" Lauren replied sarcastically "sorry I didn't mean to snap"

Being down here has made us all go slightly crazy and we keep snapping at each other but we always apologise because we know we need each other to stay alive down here

The only things we've been eating are the snacks Amy had in her rucksack from the thing at the zoo and we were really starting to run low on them

We were all sat down in the down in the corner when we heard the door click causing us all to run towards it

"Don't even try" echoed her voice as she walked in followed by her four men

***30 minutes later ***

Lauren's Pov
My arm is currently oozing with blood and my head feels dizzy and I think I'm the one who came out least hurt

The men came in here and started throwing things at us, glass, plates and even stones

We are all alive and that's what matters right now...right?

I'm pretty sure Sammy has a broken arm
Amy has a cut down her Leg and her wrist looks quite deformed
Isabelle she didn't come out too badly with bones, her arms and legs however were covered in cuts and had hundreds of little shards of god knows what all over her

This truly couldn't get any worse

The only think keeping me going right now is the thought of being with Daniel. I really hope he's okay

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