Chapter 12

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Corbyn's Pov
Me and Isabelle changed into something a little more casual as comfortable and went outside of our door and knocked on for Jonah and Sammy

"Ready guys?" Sammy smiled

"Yeah" we all said

"Let's go then" she smiled

We headed out of our hotel through the lobby and onto the beautiful streets of New York City 

Because it was still January and it was still pretty cold we decided to go walk around some modern art museums and then we decided to go eat in the Hard Rock Cafe

We all sat in a corner booth and after about twenty minutes Jonah left to go order for us and Sammy decided to go along with him, leaving me and Izzy alone

I turned my body to face her "You look really beautiful today, just like always" I smiled placing my hand on top of hers

"Did I ever tell you that I loved you" she grinned leaning her head onto my shoulders

"Can I ask you something" I said looking down at her adorable smiling face

"What's up bean" she smiled

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I joked

"Yes, it would've" she laughed "but it was okay because you were there to catch me" she said moving her head off of my shoulder and looking deep into my eyes

"You manage to turn everything into something cute I love you Izzy" I smiled planting a small kiss on her cheek

I took her hand into my own and intertwined our fingers thinking to myself I really am such a lucky guy

Jack's Pov
Lauren left the room and I haven't heard anything from her for what feels like hours but has probably only been around 25 minutes

Then I heard a knock at my door

I dragged myself up from the spot I'd been in against the wall and to the door

I didn't bother looking who it was I just opened it

As I did a force from the other side pushed it open the rest of the way and I felt myself being attacked with a giant hug

"Z..Zach?" I asked gladly returning the hug

"Jack I'm so so so sorry" he sobbed "I should've just talked to you properly I wasn't thinking probably and I m so so sorry"

"Hey hey it's okay" I said rubbing his back while also crying myself "if anyone should be sorry it's me"

We stood there for a minute in silence just hugging and rocking slowly from side to side, I've missed this and it's my fault

We broke away from the hug and I shut the door and walked inside

"Can we talk, like properly?" I asked sitting down on my bed

"Of course" zach said sitting opposite me on his bed

"I know Lauren probably told you what's been going on...but I want you to hear it from me.." I said looking down

"If you want to, then I'm here to listen" he spoke softly sending me a warm smile

"Honestly I feel embarrassed that I caused you to feel the way he did, I am older then you, I needed to be the grown up in the situation but instead I was the baby, I let other people push me about and ruin the most important part of my zach" I said as I could feel my eyes starting to well up again

He didn't say anything at first, instead he stood up and walked over to me and pulled my head up from the floor and then hugged me tightly "it's okay jack, really, I know it's hard, it's not going to be easy, but if you want to then I'd love to keep us together and work this out"

"I want nothing more then to spend my forever with you Zachary, I love you with my whole heart and more, please help me to do what you do and block it all out, I want to be happy and I want more then anything to be with you. I love you" I smiled looking into his deep chocolate eyes

"I love you too" he whispered as our faces leaned together and our lips connected

Just like every time we kissed I felt sparks fly all over my body, this was the feeling that I truly lived for.

"Thank you Zachary" I said leaving my forehead on his

@jackaverymusic From now on I'm not letting anyone tell me what I can and can't do, I'm happy and I love the way I'm living my life and none can change that, love you all ♥️

@imzachherron proud of you 💕

@jacharyhavery we Stan the best couple there is 🤧♥️

@whydontwe23 proud of you @jackaverymusic 🤠💕

@wdwtearoom what do you think happened to jack?? Reply with these hashtags —> #iheartradioawards #limelights #bestfanarmy {it's that easy to vote!!}

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