Chapter 16

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Lauren's Pov
Today's probably the day on tour I'm most excited for.
We're going home.
For a whole day too.
I'm so so excited to see Reese, Ryan and his girlfriend Mia
And most important my mom and dad
It feels like forever since I've been home and today I'm heading there with my best friends

"Mom!" I yelled running off the bus before it had even properly stopped "I missed you" I said hugging her

"I missed you too honey" she smiled

"Hey mom" zach smiled running over to us

We greeted and introduced everyone and we had to head to the venue for sound check but we brought everyone along with us

Amy was up first for her sound and tech check and ever since she's started singing for tour she's asked me every night to sing what I've been looking for with her and Obviously I said yes

We started singing together as my mom, Reese, Ryan and Mia all stood there being the audience and singing along

Ryan asked Mia to dance with him  as we sang and it was the cutest ting I've seen yet
They were jumping in circles and laughing so much together, they may be young but that is love

"Wwoooooppp wooppp" Reese yelled "you two are awesome" she said clapping and running up the stage steps

I scooped her up into a giant hug and she pulled Amy in too "You two are amazing" she smiled

I heard Isabelle behind us taking some photos so I turned round and Reese saw the camera and started posing so izzy and her did a mini photo shoot for her Instagram and might I just say, cutest. Thing. Ever.

Next The boys did there sound check and absolutely nailed it, as always
"Go boys!!" I cheered for a fourth row seat
"Thank you thank you" zach  laughed taking a bow

After we had sorted out sound check and tech run we had two hours before the meet and greet so we decided to go back to my house for a little while as it was just down the road from us

3rd person Pov
{two week time skip}
"And we're why don't we have an amazing night" the boys smiled taking each other's hands and taking a bow
Tonight was the final night of there first tour

All the boys headed off stage and were met with the girls and lots of congratulations from everyone who was backstage

Jack and Corbyn started crying because they were so happy that they had managed to complete a tour and they were saying how much they were going to miss everyone that helped out with tour

None of them were as sad as the girls tho, today Amy was meant to be going back home to England, she didn't want to leave and the girls wanted her to stay

"I'm going to miss you so much" Sammy said hugging her

"I'm going to miss you guys more" she said "but I still have till tomorrow morning I guess"

"Let's make the most of this last night" Lauren half heartedly smiled

"Let's do that" Amy smiled and with that the girls headed out to the bus for one last time

Zach having witnessed that whole conversation turned to the rest of the boys  with an exited smile
"Jonah, did you talk to David" he asked

"Yes, obviously" he said flipping his none exist and long hair

"And Corbyn, did you call her mom?" I asked

"Yep" he smiled

"Aaannnd??" Replied the eager young boy

"Oh yeah. She said yes" he said with excitement

"Let's go home and unpack and then get a cake and have an end of tour party" zach said with air quotes over the last part

"And then we can open the cake and it will say "Amy do you want to stay in La with us...forever?" Jack smiled

Zach was jumping up and down madly unable to actually contain himself "zach dude, your gonna ruin the surprise if you carry on" Daniel said giving him a light punch on the arm

"Your right, your right" he smiled

"Wait, has anyone told Eben yet?" Jonah asked

"Told me what?" He asked walking up behind us

"That Amy might be staying in LA with us...forever" zach said off with excitement again

"Wait for real" he smiled

"Yeah bro, then you will finally have enough time to man up and ask her out" Corbyn teased

"Yeah..about that" he smiled going bring red

"Shut up!" Zach said practically bouncing off the ceiling right now

"I mean...yeah" he smiled "but we haven't told anyone yet...well we said we wouldn't buttt I think she's already told the girls soo..Yeahh" he laughed

"Okay you were obviously already coming back with us but you can help us to sort out the part now if you want?" Jack asked

"I'd love to" he smiled

"I'll call ahead now and get the cake made so it's ready when we get back" Jonah said

"Good thinking" zach smiled

"And I'll order some party hats and streamers to the house now" Daniel added

"Nicce" zach jumped

"And I'll calm zach down before we get on the bus and he tells everyone" jack laughed

"Heyyy" zach poured with a laugh

The boys packed away the last of there stuff and all six of them headed back to the bus for one last journey

It was currently 1 pm as the show was an earlier one so they had loads of time to do whatever they wanted to that day in the city but they decided to just head home from Mississippi and unpack to get it all out of the way with

Tonight was going to be a fun night

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