Chapter 26

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Amy's Pov
I sat down on Lauren's bed waiting, the whole world seemed to stop, everything froze, I was scared, but I guess also a little excited, I mean I'm not even sure if I am yet

The alarm on my phone went off signalling it was time to head back into the bathroom and check.

'Come on now Amy, your not a little kid anymore pull yourself together' I whispered to myself as I stood up giving the girls a weak smile as my trembling legs carried me to the bathroom

"Take your time in there" Sammy said warmly

"Thanks girl" I said as I shut the door behind me and walked over to the counter looking into the mirror before looking down

Down to the test results that could change me life forever

"Here goes" I said as I exhaled "one, two, three" I counted down before moving my head

I picked up the little white and pink piece of plastic and held it closer to my face

A smile spread across my face as tears started to fall from my eyes, test in Hand I walked to the door and opened it
"Guys...I'm pregnant" I said as I started to break down, but in a good way, I was so so happy, I can't believe this

Me and Eb have been talking about having kids for a while now and...just wow, I actually can't believe this

I couldn't stop smiling as the girls congratulated me

"Girls I need help" I said as we sat back down on Lauren's bed "how do I tell Eb? I want it to be a cute way not just, hey babe I'm pregnant you know? And I'm not doing it over text either, no way"

"Well obviously, you have to tell him in person" Isabelle laughed

"I saw this really cute thing the other day, hold on" Lauren grinned as she pulled out her phone and opened her Pinterest app, I swear that girl spends her life on that app getting ideas and organising files

"What about you buy him a shirt saying worlds best dad?" Sammy said grinning "and give it to him on his birthday on Friday!"

"That's such a good idea oh my god" I smiled

I zoned out a little while the girls talked to me about ways to tell him, just imagining what it's going to be like to have my very own child, I absolutely adore taking care of Gracie and Jonah's Twins so does Eben, and soon were going to have out very own baby, I smiled at my thoughts as Lauren shook me

"Ammmmyy" she laughed

"Huh? What sorry, I zoned out a little" I laughed

"We noticed" Isabelle laughed

"Well here, I found the picture" she said flipping her phone round to show me the image, this was definitely it, it's so cute and I can use it as an excuse to get out favourite things, doughnuts , if you were wondering what it is this is the picture,

"Well here, I found the picture" she said flipping her phone round to show me the image, this was definitely it, it's so cute and I can use it as an excuse to get out favourite things, doughnuts , if you were wondering what it is this is the pictu...

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But obviously I'd replace the scan picture with the test and write Amy, not Sam

"Girl I'm so happy for you" Lauren said hugging me tight

"Me too" Sammy said joining the hug

"And me!" Isabelle added also joining the hug

Jonah's Pov
"Wait change that part to right where we are" I said pointing at the words on the bottom of the page

"Ohhh yes, that sounds way better" Corbyn smiled

"Yes do it" jack said

"Okay boys, I think that's it" zach said looking at the page "I can't believe we wrote a whole song in one night wow" he laughed

We had also decided to do this song as a collab with Eben, we've always wanted to do a song together and considering we wrote this together we thought this would be the perfect one

"Let's get in that booth and sing boys" Eben laughed

"Screw going in one at a time, let's go together see what we can do, a sort of live performance to the mic" Daniel laughed

"YEAHHHH BOYSSSS WE DID IT, ONE TAKEEE LETS GOOOOO" Zach screamed after we harmonised the last note, expressing everyone's excitement

"Let's wrap this up, play around with it on the computers with the background and stuff and send it off to David, See how quickly we can get it out there" Corbyn smiled

Lauren's Pov
The current situation involved Sammy and izzy watching the friends boxset amy brought over while me and Amy were vaguely listening to it while scouring the internet looking on google for other possible ways that she could tell Eben, although it was pretty pointless because we both knew she was going to do the doughnuts one, but either way it was so cute watching guys reacting to finding out there partner is pregnant

"So no one told ya life was gonna be this wayyy" yelled followed by three loud claps was heard from the foot of my bed causing me and Amy to look up and laugh

"Your going to make an amazing mom" I smiled

"Mum" she corrected laughing "but thank you" she smiled

"You can take the girl outta England but never the england out of the girl" I laughed

"True true" she replied with a laugh "but like who could blame me? I mean hello, have you seen all the Snacks we have? And all that beautiful tea" she said causing me to laugh "speaking of which I'm going to go put the kettle on and make a cuppa. You want one?" She asked us all

"Ohh go on then" I said in a mocking British accent

"Oh, Yes, yes" Isabelle said absolutely nailing the London accent "a cuppa would be smashing right about now"

I laughed so hard I think the  water I just drake came up through my nose

"Laurennn" Amy laughed handing me a cloth that was on my cabinet

"Anyways, let's drink this tea and then go to sleep, we have a full busy day tomorrow guys" I said with a smile

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