Chapter 8

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Amy's Pov
I woke up as the boys all noisily came back in from there meet and greet

"how are you feeling?" Zach asked

"better than before but still not amazing" I replied taking a sip of water and picking up my phone "ummmm...who did something?"

"what do you mean?" Lauren asked me

"my phone is like blowing up"I said looking at the screen

"oopssss" Lauren said walking to the back

"Laurennnnnn" I said following her

"oops" she said shrugging

I opened my phone to see that id been tagged in hundreds of photos of me and Eben asleep on the sofa. I looked up to see Lauren smirking at me as she sat down with the other girls

not gonna lie the picture was pretty cute and I did agree with some of the captions and comments saying things like 'they look so cute together' or 'are they a thing? bc they should be'

I do like Eb a lot and we have been on a date, two days before we left, he took me to the cinema and then we had a moon-lit picnic near the Hollywood sign as we watched the sun setting and the rest of the world go by

"You excited for the show?" Sammy asked everyone as she came back into the room with some water

"SO excited" Jonah exclaimed

"Same here, I can't wait" Zach added

"I'm so nervous" Lauren grinned

"me too" Isabelle laughed "no pressure to capture all the best moments from your first show"

I was a little gutted that I wasn't able to perform tonight but I'm happy that the boys care enough to not let me go on, because of how hot it will get and really load so probably not the best place to be when you're ill. Besides, I know Lauren is gonna absolutely kill it, she's so good, and from watching her sound check I know she ain't gonna disappoint the guys

"20 minutes till doors open guys" David said coming onto the bus "and thirty-five till you go on so be ready"

the boys all went crazy getting ready to start to head into the venue after David gave us the heads up that it was safe to do so, I'm going to come in as well but wait in the dressing rooms and watch the stream someone said they were going to do at the show for everyone to watch' which I think is so nice.

Its now five minutes till they go on and I'm sat in the girls dressing room, so Lauren's with all the other girls

Izzy was setting up the camera, Sammy was running back and forth between dressing rooms making sure everyone is ready with costume and getting there costume changes ready for them as soon as they will get off and need them and I was sat with Lauren doing some vocal warm-ups and helping to calm her nerves a little by showing her what I usually do before a performance

"okay Lauren, Isabelle they are ready for you" David smiled as she came to the door

"go get 'em girls" me and Sammy smiled, we decided to go to the side of the stage for a little to watch a bit of the show from there

Izzy went and took her place in front of the stage behind the barrier and already the crowd went crazy and started chanting for her to come on

I was so excited to see what this girl is going to do tonight

Isabelle's Pov
The guys finished the show and we were all hanging out on the bus and I was editing some photos I took tonight and not going to lie I killed it

"Hey Izzy" Corbyn smiled coming to sit down next to me

"Hey Bean" I smiled

"You did awesome tonight" he smiled

"You did even better. I'm so proud of you" I said shutting down my laptop

"Thanks" he smiled "Hey we have a couple of hours before we have to leave, do you wanna go for dinner?"

"I'd love to" I said getting up and grabbing my jacket

"We will be back soon guys" Corbyn yelled shutting the bus door

"Have fun" Jonah replied

"Okay so I've been having a look and there is a really cute family run cafe down the street from here that serves food if you wanna try that" Corbyn said taking my hand and intertwining our fingers

"Wherever we go it will be amazing as long as I'm with you" I smiled

We got to the cafe and it was actually the definition of ascetic like wow

~snap chat story~

We sat down and talked about how amazing the show was until a woman came over and asked us if we wanted to order, I got the homemade pizza and Corbyn got the homemade pasta

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We sat down and talked about how amazing the show was until a woman came over and asked us if we wanted to order, I got the homemade pizza and Corbyn got the homemade pasta

There was none else in the cafe now, due to it being later on in the night, around 10 pm on a workday night

"Favourite memory of us when we were kids" Corbyn asked shooting me a smile as he took a sip of his diet cola

"That's a tough question, but I think I would probably have to say that time when me and my mom came to surprise you when it was your 11th birthday, I can still remember your face when you opened the door" I smiled "you haven't changed, still the same cheeky Corbear grin" I laughed

"Excuse me interrupting you" said a waiter coming over who looking in her teens or early 20's "you don't happen to be Corbyn and Isabelle do you?"

For a second I thought she was stalking us or something, then I remembered, my boyfriend is famous and...well...he's my boyfriend

"If you mean as in I'm Corbyn Besson then yeah your right" he smiled

"Would you mind singing this for my sister? She came to your show tonight, she's a huge fan, she really wanted to meet you but it was all sold out" she smiled politely

"I'd love to" Corbyn smiled "if you give me five minutes I can call the guys to see if it's okay and she could come to say hey to us all on our tour bus, it's just down the road"

"Are you being serious?" She smiled excitedly as Corbyn nodded  "now I know why my sister loves you guys so much, your so genuinely amazing"

"Your so sweet" Corbyn giggled

I love watching him interact with fans, he is so cute and I can't get enough of that Damn smile

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