Chapter 10

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Zach's Pov
We arrived at the next location, we had a day before the show so it was the perfect time to talk to jack

We had a hotel for the two nights and we were all sharing rooms, Daniel and Lauren, Jonah and Sammy, Corbyn and Isabelle Eben and Amy  and finally Jack and I

We went up to the room without a single word being said between us

It was awkward and I wanted to cry

We got into the room and it was two single beds, I took the one next to the window and Jack took the other

" Jack" I said quietly

"What Zach" he snapped

"Can we talk...please?" I said sitting down on the bed as tears began to sting at my eyes

"What Zach" he sighed sitting opposite me

"Have I don't something?" I said with my head towards the floor as a tear rolled down my cheek

"Zach...what do you mean?" Jack asked sounding slightly less annoyed

"'ve been distant towards me...have I done something?" I asked without moving my eyes from there fixed position on the carpeted floor as more tears started to flow down my face

"Zach...I..I'm sorry" he sighed

"That's it?" I asked overcome with emotions "your sorry you've left me for three weeks Jack, not a kind word spoken to me, you've been really close with Daniel and you've been ignoring me jack. I'm not jealous but you don't even talk to me when I try to talk to you. You've left me feeling awful, jack, like I've killed something, killed us" I said crying

"Zach...I...dodon't say that you know that I love yo.." he started

"Do you tho?" I cut him off

"Zach don't be ridiculous," Jack said standing up and throwing his arms "of course I do"

"Then why don't you ever way to be seen with me anymore?" I said still looking down at the floor "you don't want anything to do with me jack"

"'t be stupid" he stuttered

"Do you love me jack?" I asked blankly everything in me feeling numb

There was a long silent pause

"Jack, do you love me?" I repeated

"Zach..I...Zach" he said messing with his ring

"Ah" I said nodding my head "I understand now"

I stood up and walked to the door and was about to leave when I turned around

"Jack answer me this"


"Did you ever really love me, or were you just afraid of telling me no?" I said as I looked towards the door to mask the uncontrollable flow of tears running down my face

He didn't answer, so I just walked out of the rooms and I messaged Daniel if he and I could swap rooms for tonight, I wanted to be with Lauren she always made me feel better

He messaged me straight back and told us the room number and said to come up now

I did so and knocked on there door a few minutes later as the tears still were flowing down my face

Daniel answered and saw me, he said nothing but he took me into a huge bear hug and as he let go he said to me  "everything will be okay Zach, I promise"

"Thanks Daniel" I said forcing myself to smile

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" He asked as we sat at the little table in the room

"Not really..." I started "but I will because I know it will help"

Lauren came back into the room and came straight over to me "Zach? What are you doing in her...what happened to you? Are you okay?" She said hugging me

"Well I'm not really okay, but I will be...I guess. I was just about to tell can stay if you want"

"Of course" she smiled sitting down next to Daniel

"So I don't know if you've noticed too, but for the past three weeks jack has been blocking me out and ignoring me, he hardly spends any time with me and when he does he just is really blunt or he just ignores me, it got to a point where I started to lose sleep because I couldn't help but let my mind wonder why... all night I would lie there wondering what I've done wrong and I just wanted to I asked him" I said taking in a big shaky breath "and I asked him if he..if he..." I started to cry again "I asked him if he ever loved me...and he didn't respond...nor did he when I asked him if he ever did" and then I lost it crying

Lauren came over to me and hugged me "it's going to be okay, I promise you Zach it's going to be okay" she said rubbing my back "I'm going to go talk to Jack, you stay here with Daniel and chill or maybe you two could go and get some snacks or something, or explore, you choose, I'll see you both soon" she smiled giving me one last tight hug and then Daniel a quick peck on the cheek before leaving

Jack's Pov
Zach's words froze my entire body, I didn't know how to respond.

I feel like such an awful boyfriend. This is all my fault. I've upset him. Really upset him.

When he asked me if I had ever loved him I froze solid on the spot, does he really feel like I could've not loved him. I did. And I still do.

After he left I tried to call out after him but no words seemed to form

I started crying. Crying harder than I ever have before, crying harder then I thought was even possible.

I did that to him.
I made him feel like this.
I feel awful.

I fell down on the spot I was stood in against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest and just carried on balling my eyes out

There was a knock at the door "it's Lauren, please let me in"

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