Chapter 9

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Jonah's Pov
Corbyn called us and asked if we'd be able to meet a fan after and of course, we all said yes, we are currently sat waiting for Corbyn to get back with the girl, he said he's on his way so he shouldn't be too long

There was a knock at the door, Zach opened it
"Hey Corbyn, Izzy" he smiled "and who is this?" He smiled hugging her

"This is Kate" Corbyn smiled

"Hey Kate" I smiled

She started crying a little "awww Kate don't cry" jack said hugging her

"You guys are so amazing" she smiled wiping away some tears from her eyes

Isabelle took some pictures with her and we recorded some insta story's jamming out with her in the bus and we gave her the shirt we all signed and we drove her over to the cafe and dropped her off with her sister

It's currently 11 pm and me and Corbyn are the only two awake, everyone else is sleeping peacefully in there bunks but I'm just not tired

The buzz from the show tonight is keeping me awake and all I can think about is being stood there listening to chanting fans. I cried during that show, quite a bit, I hit it quite well but I was so overcome with emotion I couldn't handle it.

Tonight truly was one of the best nights of my life, I got to preform to people who love my music, with my best friends and my girlfriend stood by watching and all my other friends there with me.

This tour is my dream. I'm so so grateful that I'm being given this chance to live out my dream

"Hey, um..hey Jo" Corbyn said

"What's up Corbs" I smiled turning to face him on the sofa

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I'm actually really happy, are you okay?" I smiled

"Yeah...I just...I just I don't know, it's stupid" he said shaking his head

"Nothing is stupid, what's wrong?" I asked

"something in me is telling me that something is going to happen to us, and I'm kinda scared" he said running his hand through his bleached hair

"Something is gonna happen Corbs, something amazing, this group is gonna go far, and wide, and together we are going to take over the world. One song at a time" I said with a small laugh

"I really hope so, I have faith in our power as a group, I just hope everyone else feels the same as us" he smiled

"They do Corbyn trust me" I smiled "I know they do"

"Thanks Jonah" he smiled "I'm gonna go sleep it's getting pretty late" he said standing up and walking to his bunk "night Jonah"

"Night Corbyn" I smiled

Zach's Pov
Lately Jack has been distancing himself from everyone a bit and I'm getting worried about him.

He hardly speaks when we're on the bus, and when I tried to have a conversation with him he was being really blunt and he basically ignored me.

I feel like I've done something to him, I can't figure out what I could've done but he's being normal towards everyone else, but me.

I've been crying a lot over it the past few days and Lauren has seen me once or twice and I've lied to her and said I'm just so happy and stuff like that, I'm surprised she didn't figure me out

I can't keep going on, fighting all these voices in my head telling me the most awful things, the one that sticks in my head the most common ones being
'He doesn't really love you, he hates you'
'he's straight, he's only with you because he'd feel bad rejecting you'
'He wishes you weren't in the band'
'He wants you out of his life'

The words keep circling my head all day and all night and I just can't seem to escape them

Yesterday at meet and greet jack stood by me then went and stood next to the other side of the room

I did start crying at that but when David asked me what was up I said 'Jonah stood on my foot and it feels broken' with a laugh. He believed me.

I feel like this has gone on long enough in my mind and I can't keep on going.

I needed to talk to Jack, but I didn't want to do it while everyone else was around

"Lauren how long till we get to the next town?" I asked walking over to her

"About an hour why?" She said looking up from her phone

"Just wondering haha" I smiled and walked off

"Wait a sec Zach" she shouted after me

"What's up?" I smiled

"Come over here" she said pointing to the back of the bus where none was, everyone was up front watching Divergent on the tv screen

Lauren shut the door and sat down on the sofa pulling me with her "what's going on?" She smiled looking into my eyes

"Nothing" I lied

"Zach, your my twin, I know when your lying, I can see it in your face you do the same as me, your nose flairs and your eyebrows twitch" she said folding her arms

"Okay there is something bothering me, but it's fine, It's not important...really" I said with a fake smile standing up

"Zach what did I literally just say...if you don't wanna talk about it fine, but if you do, I'm here and you know where to find me" she smiled standing up and giving me a hug

"Thank you Lauren," I said hugging her tighter back

"I'm gonna FaceTime Reese if you wanna talk to her too" Lauren smiled "she text me saying she'd just woken up and wants to talk to me" Lauren laughed

"I will in a sec yeah, just give me one sec" I smiled

Zachary 💜
Hey bubba, when
we get to New York
can we go to a cafe
or something and
talk? Feel like it's
been ages

Sure think Zach.

Zachary 💜
Thanks bub
Can't wait for some
us time x

Yup, same.

I looked down at my screen and felt crushed jack was annoyed at me, I could tell. What have I done jack? Please just tell me

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