Chapter 1

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Daniel's Pov
The guys and I  have arrived home and the girls are nowhere to be seen

I went up to my room and tried to call Lauren once more but it went straight off after one ring, it's not like Lauren to do that but I get text 'I'm at Amy's'

That's it. Not like Lauren, at all. Somethings up.

"Corbs can I ask you something" I said walking into his room

"What's up Danny"  he said looking up from his phone

"Has izzy text you yet?"

"Yeah she just messaged she's with Lauren and Amy at sammys" he said "why?"

"Lauren just told me they are are Amy's" I said starting to get really worried "somethings wrong here and I don't like it"

"We should go round to Amy's and Sammy's to see where they actually are" he said "if they are even there"

"I'll get Jonah, he can take us to sammys" I said "I know where Amy's is, Lauren told me the other day"

All five of us got in the car because zach 'wasn't going to sleep until he knows his sister is safe' and jack didn't want to stay in alone

"What are we going to do if they not there" zach spoke up from the back of the car

"I don't know buddy" I said from the driver seat "I'm sure they will be tho" I said with a half hearted smile
He said nothing but hugged up to jack's side

"Left down here" Jonah said "second door on the right"

I pulled up outside the house and there were no lights on. Jonah got out and walked to the door to knock on, it was open

I jumped out the car and walked inside with him "Girls!" I yelled "you here!"

No response "Sammy you home" Jonah yelled "Amy, Isabelle, Lauren you here?" Still no response jonah ran upstairs to  check the rooms

"None there" he said with a slightly scared look on his face

"Let's go check Amy's" I smiled "they'll be there"

"Wait a second let me lock the door" Jonah said picking up the key from under the rock
"What? She told me where it is" he said observing the look I was giving him

"They aren't here" I said getting in the car "they should be at Amy's"

Zach's Pov
It's been an hour and a half since we left to look for the girls and I am getting really really scared. If something has happened to the girls I'm never going to forgive myself. If Lauren isn't okay I don't know what I'll do, same with the other girls. But how do you explain to your mum and siblings that their sister and daughter had gone.

I feel sick.

We've looked at all of the girls houses and we've been back to the zoo and we've asked and the zoo is empty, none there.

They could literally be anywhere. I just hope they are all okay.

Sammy's Pov
I don't know where I am.

All I know is that it's dark and my hands are tied in front of my body.

It's a small room that I get the feeling is in the back of a van

From what I can gather the girls are here with me too also tied

Amy is talking back to me but Isabelle and Lauren either not here or knocked out...

I wanted to shout out for help but I was scared and my throat was dry and I felt like I was unable to speak in more then a whisper

"Amy are you still there" I said as loud as I dared

"Yeah" she said in a similar tone

"I-I am too" Isabelle muttered "where are the lights"

"We don't know" Amy and I said together

"Wait Amy? Sammy?"

"Yeah it's us" Amy said

"Where's Lauren" she asked

"Asleep next to me I think" I told her

"I'm not asleep" Lauren said wearily

"Wait are we moving" I asked

"I believe so" Isabelle replied

We went along what felt like an agonisingly long twisted path where we kept being thrown about in the back of what I believe to be a van

We pulled to a sudden stop causing us to fly forwards

Four large muscular men came and opened the door and picked us up and despite out struggling carried us into some house which I managed to get a decent look at and noticed it was number 36

I tried to look at the men but they all had masks on covering their faces

We were all taken downstairs into a room down the stairs where there was a girl with her back to us, has she been locked down here too?

the men threw us down onto the floor where we all ran togetherness the corner looking towards the other girl

"Thanks boys" she said in a malicious tone. Nope definitely not down here with us

Lauren's Pov
"What do you want" I Asked taking a forward stance in front of the group of us

"Oh honey you know exactly what I want" she said taking her nails to the side of her face

Her voice sounds so familiar, it can't be can it?

She turned round "I want to ruin your life"

"What have we done to you" Sammy Asked taking a place by my side

"Just you want till the boys find us" Amy said stepping on my other side

"And how will they do that? They think your nice and safely asleep at your house" she said pulling Our phones out of her pocket "oh and the gps is off on these now"

"The police will find you" Isabelle said taking her stance next to Amy

She and I had both worked out who this was by now

"Oh but honey I've already done it once" she said playing with her dark hair
It can't be her can it?
"It was simple" she said turning around

It was her. How? How was she here? How did she find us? I thought she was locked away, far away from here but obviously not she's standing right in front of us

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