Chapter 11

411 11 14

Jack's Pov
I let Lauren in and she looked so mad, yet so sad, and so confused all at once

"How could you Jack?" She sighed "he loved you, heck he still does"

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out
I made Zach cry. I really hurt him

"Jack talk to me. What happened? You two were the power couple and now what? Your just ignoring him?" Lauren said sadness laced all over her voice

"I...I'm sorry" is all I could managed to say

"That's it? No reason? Just sorry" she said giving me a disappointing look

I hung my head low and she stood up "I can't believe you Jack" she said looking down at me and was about to walk out

"Wa..wait, Lauren please" I said standing up

"What Jack?" She said turning round

"I wa..wanna explain...I- I feel awful" I said as tears continued to flow down my cheeks

"Go on then" she said sitting down again, on Zach's bed

That's one thing I'm so grateful for with Lauren, she's patient and she will always help anyone out no matter what they've done

I went to my jacket and took out my phone

"Jack this better not be stupid" she said

"It''s not" I said starting to become unsure

"Well come on, tell me" she said as I sat down

"Well...." I said taking in a deep breath "it all started a week after Zach and I started probably saw it" I said looking up at her from my screen as my voice began to shake

"Saw what jack?" She said calmly

"This" I said turning my phone round and scrolling through the endless DM list of hate and abuse I was getting for being with zach "at first I managed to brush it off, just like Zach does, but after a while...I started to believe all the things I was reading...all over my timeline, constant dms and groups attacking me and him and it started to bother me but I just tried to block it out" I said wiping away at the endless flow of tears coming from my eyes "but then it started to become not just on my screen, but in real life...wherever I'd go there'd be someone there taunting me and it really started to get to me...and yeah I just tried to block it out but when it's all you can see it's difficult, you know?" I asked as she nodded "then it started to get more personal...from strangers it effected me...but I was able to keep my cool and just brush it off so none would see me..yes it would all hurt me and I'd cry about it but old high school found out...all my old friends, classmates people I hung about with started texting me abuse all day long and I started to feel awful about myself and being with was all my fault he was being attacked and I knew it was obvious happening to him as I tried to distance myself away from him...thinking...maybe, just maybe the comments would calm down and people would think we weren't together anymore and just leave us sorta worked, I stopped going places with him and talking to god it hurt me. Every second I spent apart from him broke me apart Lauren, it broke me but I knew it was better that way...I always have and I always will love Zach and nothing can change that...but I...but I..." I couldn't carry on my heart aced and my voice stopped making my words understandable so I just stopped and continued to sob

Lauren pulled me into a huge hug "it's okay jack, it's okay"

"It's not tho is it? Zach thinks I hate him and that I never loved him in the first place and it's all my stupid fault" I said between breaths

"Why don't we go talk to him?" Lauren suggested

"He doesn't want to talk to me, Lauren, I know that already" I sighed dabbing at my red swollen eyes

"You Wait here and I'll be right back" she said hugging me once more and standing up

"Lauren Wait" I said grabbing her wrist as she walked "Thank you" I smiled hugging her

She smiled back and walked out of the room leaving me once again alone.

Jonah's Pov
Corbyn, Izzy Sammy and I had two rooms next to each other and we decided on the way up to the room that we were going to go out exploring the city together as some sort of double date, a perfect way for us to spend some time together and also just have some fun

"Be ready in five guys" I smiled as we walked into our room

"Got ya" Corbyn smiled heading into his room

Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter writers block hit me pretty hard after the Jack part  ahaha another update tomorrow!!}

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