Chapter 18

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Isabelle's Pov
"Corbyn can you pleassseee tell me where we're going" I asked for the 9th time

"You'll have to wait and see" he grinned

"Fine" I said finally giving up and resting my arm on the window

"Okay we're here" he said about a minute later

"Wait where is here" I said looking around at the shops

"You'll see" he grinned jumping out the the car as he came round to help me

"Thank you" I blushed

"Your welcome" he smiled as he pushed the door shut and took hold of my hand

We walked down the road and into a cute little restaurant that I saw a while back and have wanted to try FOREVER

"Corbyn you didn't" I gasped

"Aeeh I did" he shrugged with a smile

"HOW" I asked "it's like impossible to get a reservation"

"It was pretty easy when I phones up and someone recognised my voice and said they were going to book the fancy booth for us" he laughed as we walked through the door "Table for Mr.Besson" he said to the lady at the desk

"Follow me this way" she smiled leading us back to the booth

We sat down and talked for a while till our food came then we ate and talked some more, about the smallest silliest things, but it was so much fun and I couldn't wipe the wide smile from of of my face

We walked out of the restaurant and back to the car
"thank you Corbyn, really thank you that was amazing" I smiled

"It's not over yet" he smiled looking over at me

We pulled up to an animal shelter about twenty minutes later
"Come with me" Corbyn smiled jumping out of the car

I had a wide smile spread across my face as I followed him into the shelter. I love animals, especially cats

"So I saw you looking at the kittens from the shelter the other day and was wondering if you actually wanted to adopt one" he smiled looking into my eyes

"Wait for real" I smiled on the verge of crying

"Yeah for real" he smiled

I hugged him close and repeated "thank you thank you thank you" I to his neck

"Your welcome izzy" he laughed "We could adopt him or her under both of our names too" he smiled

"I would absolutely love to" i smiled kissing his cheek

We spent a while just playing with the kittens and I currently was holding a black and white coloured cat, her name was Menchie

Then one came walking over to me and Corbyn and we looked at each other and we knew, that was the one

"What do you think?" He said picking him up

"I love him, he's so cute" I said placing Menchie back down and walking over to him

"Let's do it" he smiled "he's the one"

We took the woman at the side of the room and asked about adopting the kittens, more specifically the one Corbyn was holding

"His name is Sylvester" smiled the woman warmly
I fell in love with this adorable kitten

After filling out all the paperwork we picked up some essentials for the cat and got back in the car and headed off home

"Corbyn, you did check no one was allergic right?" I said as we pulled up at home

"Yes izzy" he laughed "everyone was cool with it"

"Okay good" I said with a laugh as we got the stuff and headed inside

Zach's Pov
"Guys" yelled my sister

"What" I replied as I sat up from my lying position on jack's stomach

"Can we all come down for a min" Amy responded

I reluctantly stood up and trudged down the stairs followed by everyone else bar the girls and Eben who were already down there

"Okay so" Lauren started

"We have an idea" Amy added

"We think it's gonna be so fun" Sammy smiled

"What the idea?" Isabelle asked

"So you guys know how all my stuff is still over in the uk? Expect the bag of stuff at the management complex" Amy said excitedly

"Yeah" Jonah said just as confused as the rest of us

"Well we were thinking" Lauren smiled turning to Amy and Sammy

"Shall we go on a trip to England?" Amy excitedly asked

"Omg actually?" I smiled "I've always wanted to go there"

"Same here! I heard it's so posh" jack smiled

"Incorrect but okay" Amy laughed "where I'm from, the north, it ain't like London"

"I'd love to be able to meet my girlfriends parents" Eben smiled hugging Amy

"Your so adorable" she whispered

"But for real tho guys" Corbyn said "we need to plan a trip to the north"

"Like soon" Daniel smiled

"How about next week" Jonah suggested "we have nothing on now till May and it's only February now"

"Okay let's do it" Isabelle smiled excitedly "I need a new supply of Fredos. Because we ate all the ones Amy brought"

And with that we all sat round Jonah's laptop and booked tickets for Monday, two days from now

England here we come

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