Chapter 25

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3rd person Pov
It was the night before the wedding and all the girls were over at Lauren's, while all the boys were at Zach's

All the children were with their grandparents who were in town for the wedding so the guys could enjoy the night to themselves helping Daniel and Lauren prepare for the next day

The girls were all sat in Lauren's room blasting music and doing each other's nails

While the guys sat in Jack and Zach's room  playing an extremely competitive game of uno

"I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs Seavey tomorrow " Lauren smiled as she added a holo taco (if you know you know) to Amy's nails

"It's crazy that you've been together for the longest and yet your the only two not married yet" Sammy laughed as Isabelle painted a lilac shade to her index finger nail

"We didn't want to rush into it, besides we're still young and we wanted to live a little before being tied down, although obviously we've known all along that we were going to get married one day" she smiled "man I love him"

"Y'all are so cute I can't" Sammy smiled

"You and Dani are actually the power couple like omg" Isabelle said with a laugh

"I'm hello? What about cizzy? Or Eby? Or jammy? Or Jachary" Lauren laughed

Elsewhere in Los Angeles "Zachary Dean you'd better not" jack warned as he held his final card to his chest

Zach was about to play a +4 card to jack who was about to win the game. Or that's what jack observed from Zach's grin

"Oops" Zach said throwing the card down "my hand slipped"

Jack shot zach a glare as he begrudgingly picked up four card  to the enjoyment of the other five boys sat round the table

"It's okay because you love me really" he smiled

"It's lucky i do" jack sighed as Jonah played his card

"Owwww owww owww" Lauren screamed as she attempted to pull off the face mask from her skin

"Told ya that one hurtsss" Amy sassed

"I know you did but it was meant to be cleansing" Lauren said almost crying "just help me get it off...without tearing all the skin off...actually wait no could I just walk down the isle like this tomorro.. OWWWWW" she screamed as Sammy ripped it off her forehead

"Got some of it" she laughed

"Get the rest" she said closing her eyes

Isabelle quickly tore off the rest of the mask causing actual tears to flow down Lauren's cheeks "next time I'm using a sheet mask" she huffed

"Ohohoh Guys!" Amy squealed

"What what what" Sammy replies

"Turn on Chanel 6, they have all three High School Musicals on starting RIGHT NOW" Amy yelled

"Umm yes please" Lauren said speedily reaching for the remote

"WERE SOOOOARING,,FLYYYYING THERES NOT A STAR IN HEAVEN THAT WE CANT REACHHHH" the girls screamed as Isabelle recorded this for instagram. Posting it with the caption 'In case you were wondering what we do when we're together...'

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