Chapter 5

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Corbyn's Pov
We just got out of rehearsals and were on our way back to our house
Jonah and I are sat in the back seats and he hasn't spoken a word the whole time
His face is frozen solid ever since the mention of the name 'Alicia'

I was a little shocked too, none of the other boys really reacted but me and Jonah gave each other that look saying 'can it be'

I mean the chances are so low she's in jail I'm sure, me and Jonah went to the police and they told us they'd arrested her so I guess it's not her but either way I hope we don't have to deal with someone with her name because I know Jonah won't be able to cope, especially while Sammy's missing.

We got back to the house and Eben was coming over as he had been doing lately

"Guys David just messaged me" Jack said "he wants us to meet Alicia tomorrow"

Jonah turned even paler and just nodded and turned around heading up to his room without a word

I decided to follow him upstairs and go check on him, he actually looked like he was about to pass out

"Jo are you okay?" I said standing in the doorway

"What do you think Corbyn" he snapped

A silence filled the air for what felt like forever

"Sorry I shouldn't have snapped, no I'm really not okay Corbyn, I'm scared for the girls, for Sammy, and now Alicia? Are you kidding me? Like it's eating me up inside, it is going to be her? What if we go to the house tomorrow and she's stood there Corbyn, what are we going to do" he said as tears began streaming down his face

"Listen, it's okay, she's in jail remember? Back where we left her in Aspen. And I'm worried about the girls too, the thought of them being unsafe is killing me" I said sending him a sympathetic smile 

Isabelle's Pov
Me, Amy, Sammy and Lauren are all exhausted and scared and we all just want to be home

Lauren is being extremely persistent banging on the door yelling, she's there right now, still.

She finally decided to come down "shut up!" She yelled "it's 1 am and we are TRYING to sleep"

"Let us out Alicia" she yelled "Let us out" she screamed banging on the door

"Ummm no" she smiled

"Well I'm just going to keep going" Lauren shrugged and proceeded to carry on banging on the door

"Ughhh!!" She yelled stomping off upstairs

*next day*

Jack's Pov
We are on the way to Alicia's now, everyone is starting to slowly learn how to put on a happy face and just smile for the fans, yeah when we get home we all take off these masks and stop talking and just leave each other
By everyone I mean everyone but Jonah, he's just destroyed.
We are about to leave to go to Alicia's to meet our new opening act.
It's going to suck. I'm destroyed inside, this is going to be Amy's 'replacement'
David messaged me her address and I'm driving the car over there right now

It took very little time to get there, it's actually really close to our house, it's a huge apartment block at the end of our road

Corbyn's Pov
"We're here" Jack said jumping out of the car

I looked over at Jonah and his face was frozen solid
"You okay buddy?" I said looking at him

"Corbyn, this is it, this is her house" he said not moving at all

"I'll take you back home now, there's no way you can go in there" I said

"I'm not going in there" he said starting to shake

"Guys are you coming or wha.." Zach started "Jonah?"

"Zach, walk Jonah back home and make sure he gets into bed, don't ask questions he's just not well, me jack and Daniel with go in there and meet Alicia" I said

", okay" he said confused

"Thanks" I said handing him the keys, Jonah had been giving his lessons and he is getting pretty decent. It's only down the street so he should be okay

"Where's Zach and Jonah going?" Jack asked

"Jonah is really sick" I said quickly

"Okay sure, well Alicia's apartment is the one on the top floor, David told me the key code to get in" he sighed and punched it in

We walked over to the elevator and went up to the top floor and Daniel knocked on the door

"Coming" said her sickeningly sweet voice

I'm starting to panic a little now but there's no time for that "hello again boys" she smiled

"Wait, Your Alicia?" Jack asked

"The one you met before, mhm that's me" she grinned

Jack leapt forwards at her and I pulled him back "I know buddy, I wanna do the same" I whispered in his ear

"YOU" he snared "You broke Jonah"

"Oh well, past is the past" she shrugged "forgive forget"

"I'm calling David, there is no way we are touring with you" Daniel spat

"Oh I wouldn't do that, my daddy paid David and the company a lot of money, there's no point, I'm coming anyways hehe" she laughed "Why don't you guys come on in and we can have a chit chat about tour"

Daniel sighed and gave me a 'we have to' look and I followed after him

"Is Jonah not coming" she grinned

"He's I'll"I spat

"Oh I'm sure, with Sammy missing and all that" she said with fake sympathy

"How'd you know about that" I said quickly becoming very suspicious

"David told me" she said looking panicked

Her phone started ringing and she smiled as she looked at it "you wait here I'm going to go take this"

She walked off and I followed behind her listening to her every word

"What do you mean they are all yelling"
"Well, what'd you expect huh?"
I started recording
"Tell those four they'd better shut it, or else"
"Okay, you know what Fine! I'll be over there in 10 minutes" she said hanging up the phone

I ended the recording and ran back to the boys giving them a look but they had no time to read it
"Well guys, you'll have to leave now I have places to be, bye"
We ran out and I watched her get in the car

"we need to follow her" I said "something's up and I think she might just lead us to the girls"
I said putting the pieces together

The boys nodded and Daniel quickly said "I'll run after the car, Jack you grab that skateboard and Corbyn, you go get Jonah, Zach  and the police"

I nodded and looked back as I was sprinting towards our house to see Jack and Daniel getting ready to follow after that car.

All that running with Lauren has clearly paid off I thought as I watched Daniel sprinting off

Hey, guys, I'm so sorry about the late update, I tried to publish it before and I thought it went through but I just came onto Wattpad now to find a notice saying it was saved in drafts, anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, more coming tomorrow hehe xo
-L-J  }

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