Chapter 24

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Daniel's Pov
"I still can't believe that you and my sister are getting married this month" zach smiled as we pulled up to the mall

"It's crazy" jack smiled

"What's crazy is that y'all have kids now" I laughed "and that the band is still going strong"

"I can't wait for tour, I've really missed the buzz" zach smiled

"It's been almost two years" Corbyn said with his head in the clouds

"I'm glad we decided to keep producing music but had a break from touring while we all had kids and stuff" Jonah smiled

"Me too" I smiled

"I think it's kinda funny that you and Lauren have been together the longest and your the last to get married and have kids...if your like gonna do that" Jack said

"We've talked about it so many times but we're young and we didn't want to rush into anything" I shrugged "anyways, this month, we are going to be married, Which is why were here, we need tuxedos and I need to get lauren a ring" I smiled

We headed straight through the mall towards the fancy high end store that we felt like strangers in, it was full of a tonne of posh people and then there's us, six lunatics who sing

After spending an hour in the store trying on suits we finally decided on some that felt right

After spending an hour in the store trying on suits we finally decided on some that felt right

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This was mine ^

The guys, Eben, Ryan and my dad were going to wear these ^

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The guys, Eben, Ryan and my dad were going to wear these ^

We decided to go get some food after that and of course it was the same old debate, Subway or Chipotle

In the end we decided to go with subway because it was the majority vote
"Okay after this you guys can do do whatever you want, just put the suits in the car, I godda go find the perfect ring for Lauren"

Truth be told I've been looking for a ring for Lauren for longer then we've been engaged, we've always talked about getting married and having children, but we decided to wait till we were both ready and we said that when she turns twenty it would be perfect so that's why I decided to finally prepose to her

I dusted the sandwich crumbs off of my shirt and said bye to the boys and headed first to the car to drop off the suits
I placed them gently into the boot of the car and then after ensuring I'd locked the car again headed off towards the ring stores

I looked in the windows scanning each ring carefully looking for the perfect one, I've been looking for a particular one that lauren and I thought up once, we were messing around and then we started talking about it and it got deep and then she described the perfect ring that I sketched it out and she said it was exactly right, I still have that sketch in my wallet, same place it's been since that night.
I turned my back and started walking away from that store, they had some really beautiful ones, but none were perfect some were close, but they'd be the wrong colour, or shape

I was slowly beginning to lose hope of finding the ring but I couldn't give up, not till I'd searched every ring store in the whole of LA

There was one final one in the mall so I'm walking over to that one right now, it was a small jewellery store I'd seen when I was at the mall with Lauren, it's a family run store but it's mainly ran by a woman who's in her late 50's, she's so sweet

"Hello again sweetie" she smiled

"Hey Robin" i smiled "how are you?"

"I'm good Daniel I'm good, where's your little lady friend?" She asked

"Taking care of her nephews and nieces with her friend at home" I smiled at the thought of her playing with the kids, one day it will be our own

"Such a sweet girl, your one lucky man" she chuckled

"I'm actually here today for her, I preposed to her and I'm looking for a wedding ring" I smiled widely

"Well congratulations dear" she smiled "looking for anything in particular?"

"Actually yes" I laughed pulling out my wallet to get the picture out "very particular" I smiled showing her the picture

"Let's see what I can do, I'm sure I've got something very similar to that" she smiled hobbling to the back

"Thanks Robin" I smiled

She returned a few minutes later with a tray containing about six rings, as soon as she set it down I saw it

"That's the one" I smiled picking it up "it's absolutely perfect" I smiled holding it next to the drawing "I've looked absolutely everywhere for it I knew I should've come here sooner" I said mentally cursing myself

"Glad I could help y'all out" she smiled "I had this thing in here for so many years just collecting dust, none wants rings like this anymore, they want the huge fancy ones with huge diamonds" she sighed

"It's sad because this is so beautiful" I smiled still looking at the ring

"And it's all yours, take it" she smiled

"Are you serious" I said in shock "I couldn't possibly"

"No no I insist, my present to the bride" she said pulling out a box and bag for it

"Your actually the best" I smiled going to hug her "thank you so so much Robin"

"Your welcome Daniel" she smiled "be sure to tell Lauren I said hello"

"I will" I smiled "See you soon Robin" i Said before leaving the store

I know me and the boys said we were going to not post anything while in here and lie low while we're here so we don't get mobbed by our millions of fans
Buttttt I needed to thank Robin more then I already have to I went over to twitter and tweeted a picture of the place saying that it's the best place to go if you need Jewellery, surely enough a group of people started running towards where I was so I ran over to to the toilets where I texted the boys to meet me at the car, they said they were nearly there so I started my walk towards the car keeping my head down

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