11. koi no yokan

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koi no yokan - the sense one has upon meeting another person that they will fall in love with 

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Misha sent Zander a quick text before putting her phone aside and taking out a strawberry yogurt from her lunchbox. She put it aside before reaching for cashews instead. 

It had been a slow morning at the hospital so far.

Not that she minded. Slow mornings were far better than ones where the entire waiting room was packed, hectic and loud.

Misha reached for her phone, pretending to be busy. She hated eating alone.

It was the reason why she'd always ask Zander to meet up during her hour long lunch break. But he hadn't texted her back today.

Having only recently graduated, she didn't have many friends at work. Most of the time, it seemed people only wanted to talk to her because of her mother.

She unlocked her phone, clicking on a bubble game she'd been addicted to lately.

"Are you Misha?" She looked up, a little annoyed that someone had disturbed her, especially when she went out of her way to avoid everyone.

He looked new. Or just newer than she was. And he looked nervous. It was obvious from the way he bit down on his lower lip, sucking on it as he waited for her to answer.

"Why?" She questioned as he placed his tray next to her but didn't sit down, just yet.

"Is that a yes or no?"

"Maybe." She offered a careless shrug, curious as to who he was.

He was definitely new, that she knew for sure now.

"Right, um. I'm Nathan." He flashed her a smile, the corners of his lips curving upwards and his light brown eyes sparkling. "Nathan Peralta."

"And your mother." He pointed over to where Dr. Patel was standing, talking to a few other doctors. "She told me to sit here, next to her daughter Misha. Who I presume must be you."

He held out his hand, professionally. "Nice to meet you."

Almost hesitantly, Misha shook his hand. She glanced at her mother, who seemed too focused on whatever conversation she was having with her colleagues, before turning to face Nathan.

She took in his appearance. Dark black hair, slicked back. Slight stubble scattered. Light brown eyes.

"Are you new?" She asked, not too sure of what else to say to him. At least it was better than the stuffy silence that had surrounded them. 

She watched as he played with the salad bowl, tossing a piece of lettuce around. "Yea, second day. What gave it away?"

She looked away as he looked up at her, with a boyish smirk playing on his lips.

"Nothing." She snorted, glancing at her mother again. "Maybe the fact that you're having lunch with my mom."

"Doctor?" She inquired further. 

"Yea. I'm training under Dr. Patel and Dr. Wilson. I graduated medical school a few months ago." 

"Oh, are you doing Pediatric Surgery then?"


"So." She hinted, asking for more. Because she knew what was coming.

"So?" He sounded confused.

"This the part where you're supposed to complain about how mean my mom is, how it's impossible to work with her, how she's extremely rude and unpleasant to be around." Misha waved her hand around, dramatically. 

He narrowed his eyes, playfully. "If I say something, you're gonna tell her and then I'm going to get yelled at even more."

Misha laughed it off. She reached for phone as it pinged. 

"Why did she yell at you for? I mean what did you do." She asked before unlocking her phone. A text from Zander. 

Saying that he had a meeting later that afternoon and couldn't meet up for lunch. But it was fine, her lunch break was nearly over anyway.

"What did she yell at me for?" Nathan repeated, smiling as Misha laughed, joy coloring her face. "What didn't she yell at me for?" 

Misha paused, stopping halfway in the text she was sending Zander. She looked at Nathan. "Did she yell at you for wearing a blue tie? I mean clearly your tie doesn't match your stethoscope. Blue with red?"

"What?" He raised an eyebrow, in confusion at her blabbering. 

"Nothing." She shut up, aware of her nonsense blabbering. Something she did too often. "I always get yelled at because my scrubs don't match. I was just joking about my mom picking on you for the same thing." 

A soft pink colored her cheeks out of embarrassment.

"So what do you do?" He changed the topic. 

"I work as a PA in cardiology." 

"Oh that's tough. I hated every single cardiology class I ever took." Nathan conceded. "So many fucking complications." 

"It's not that bad. You kinda get used to it." Misha smiled, a bit more sincere this time. "I have to go. My lunch break is almost over. I'll see you around." 

"Wait Misha." He interjected as she stood up, gathering her lunch. "If you don't mind, maybe you could show me around? I don't know anyone here."

"Oh, I..." She stuttered, caught off guard. Zander wouldn't mind, she knew that. But she barely knew Nathan. 

"It's so fucking crowded and traffic is shit. I spent two hours in traffic last night because I got onto the wrong freeway. I'd really appreciate it." Maybe he was a bit too up-front about it. But he really didn't know anyone or know his way around town. And Misha seemed nice enough, fun enough to be around. 

"Sure." She agreed, reluctantly. 

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January 13, 2019 8:29 PM

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I'm back :) I'll be updating regularly from now lol ❤
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