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"Dae! Hurry up with those boxes! We don't have all day!" Joon's voice called out from the front porch.

Her eyes cut from the overgrown rose bush in front of her to her brother's retreating back. They had been unloading the moving truck for hours. She was tired. All three of them were. But they still had several more boxes to go.

"Fine," she grumbled as she stood and brushed the loose dirt from her knees. She collected the box that she had sat down and took a look up at the house looking in front of her.

While it was classically pretty with dark paneling, almost black shutters, and large bay windows in the front, it was creepy and sent chills down her back. It reminded Dae of the stereotypical haunted house but she didn't believe in ghosts. Or that's what she kept telling herself anyways.

White curtains on the second story window fell back into place.

"Today!" Jin repeated Joon's sentiment causing the girl to snap back into focus.

"I'm coming!" She rolled her eyes and trudged into the house. The quicker this was finished the quicker she could was the dust and grime off from the move.

She abandoned her box in the living room area amongst the towering stacks of others. "Only a few more and then comes the hellish part," she whispered to herself.

The thought of unpacking anything besides her bedding was enough to leave her grumbling. She hated moving. She hated unpacking. And more than anything else, she hated organizing.

"Go get the last box for your room. It's the only one left in the truck."

She nodded to Jin and ventured back out into the darkening yard to claim the last of her possessions.

Her eyes flicked towards the upper windows again to look for the moving curtain. She wasn't expecting it to move. It had probably been a draft the first time. Or a trick of the lighting. The sun was setting. It might have been a glare. Nothing to worry about, she assured herself. The curtain was still in place.

She dropped the box next to the others and pulled out her phone to order pizza while her brothers went to return the moving truck.

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