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Before we get into the last bit of the story, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this. There were weeks where I stared at this and didn't know what to write. 

There are three people who gave me so much inspiration just from their comments. 




Thank you three so much for all of you comments and your support. This book would not be finished without you. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you! 

Now before I get too emotional.. here's the ending. 


One Year Later

It had been a rollercoaster since the night the Dae helped the three move on. It was an experience she would never be able to forget, not that she wanted to. She smiled brightly as she watched a small boy with sandy hair running through the park chasing a bird. He reminded her of Tae. 

A hand closed over hers. She smiled up at Jungkook as he held an ice cream cone out to share with her. "I got the salted caramel since you said their vanilla tasted off last time," he grinned. The two had been spending more and more time together. At first their conversations had centered around Tae but the more they were together, the closer they became. Soon those talks turned into learning more about each other. Today had been the third day that week they had gone out together and it was only Thursday. 

"How are your exams going?" he asked. 

"Just one more tomorrow and I will have finally finished my second year of college. What about yours?" 

Jungkook smiled down at her fondly. "Finished my last one this morning. I was thinking about taking a couple summer classes so that we could graduate together. How does that sound to you?" 

Dae's smile widened as she dropped his hand to throw both arms around him. "That sounds great!" 


Jin had spent the morning showing an expecting young couple three different houses. The first one they weren't sure was in their budget. The second he wasn't sure suited them since it didn't have as much room for when the baby came. The third house was perfect. He had just finished giving the tour when the young woman started bouncing up and down in excitement. 

"This is it! I love it!" she grasped her husband's arm to direct his attention back to her. "We have to take it!" 

He chuckled and nodded to Jin. "We'll meet you back at your office to go over the papers but it sounds like this is the one she wants." 

Jin smiled at the two and locked the door back behind them. "I'll call my partner to let him know to have the papers ready then." 

He waited until they were in their car to place the call. "Jimin, I just finished up the last tour. They decided on the three bedroom. They're on the way back to the office now." 

The best choice he had made was accepting Jimin's offer to start a real estate agency together. They had gotten their license and in a short year, were one of the most sought after agencies in Seoul. It helped that the two were straight forward and knew to take their time when looking through the history of a place before placing it on the market. Between Jimin's business experience and Jin's renovation experience, they were a success. 


Namjoon dimmed the lights and hovered the mouse cursor over the play button. He closed his eyes as the music filled his ears. Yoongi's words came to life Namjoon's smoky voice rapped each word clearly. 

His last semester of college had ended with a solo performance from each of his classmates. What they weren't aware of was that different entertainment companies had sent scouts to listen to them. His performance ended in him getting not one but three different contract offers on the spot. In the end he signed with the company that agreed to let him stay in Seoul with his family. 

He leaned back against the chair and smiled to himself as the track came to an end. For just a moment he could have sworn he heard Yoongi's laugh. 

The End

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