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Namjoon paced the floor of his bedroom with his notebook held in one hand and the other running through his hair. "A whole note lasts the longest, but a half note lasts half that amount of time," he recited. 

"And two half notes together last as long as one whole note," Yoongi finished for him. 

Joon spun around and almost threw his notebook at the blonde ghost lounging on his bed. "Where the hell did you come from?" The hand previously running through his hair dropped to cover his chest. 

"Well.. when a man and a woman love each other very much.." Yoongi started. 

"Oh I do not need that talk from you!" Joon yelled. 

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and laid back onto his back to look up at the ceiling. "Suit yourself. Just always use protection. Or else you might end up with an insubordinate miniature version of yourself." His eyes drifted down to Joon. "With a better taste in music I would hope." 

Namjoon rolled his eyes and went back to looking over his notes. "Whatever. My music taste is fine." He quickly decided that he wasn't going to give Yoongi the time of day. It wasn't like he didn't have enough going on already with a double major on top of a minor while trying to fast track his education and finish in two thirds of the time it was going to take his peers to earn one degree. 

"A quarter note takes up a fourth of the time a whole note does. Two of those takes the same time a half note does but four takes up the time of a whole note," Yoongi butted in again. 

Joon glared over his shoulder in the general direction of his bed. "Do you need something? I'm kind of in the middle of something here and in case you couldn't tell, you're interrupting." 

Yoongi huffed and sat up. "Actually, I do. I need decent music in this place or I'm going to go stir crazy and you really don't want to see what happens when I get bored." His gaze shifted over to Joon's records then back as if to prove a point. 

"And just what do you classify as decent music? Obviously we have different definitions of the word." 

"Hip hop of course," he said like it should be the most obvious thing in the world. "Or something with a decent amount of piano. And none of that EDM shit." The last line was pointed with a glare towards Namjoon again. 

He sighed and nodded. "Alright, so basically what I listened to while trying to be rebellious." He walked over to his closet and pulled down a box filled nearly to the brim with mix tapes. "Let's see.." He started rummaging through them before shrugging his shoulders and dropping the box on his bed next to the blonde. 

"Help yourself." He once more turned back to the notebook in his hand. 

"You're overthinking it by the way. Break the notes down like math fractions and you'll have it," Yoongi commented offhandedly. 

Joon's eyes narrowed down at the paper and he nodded once. "Makes sense. If you know so much about it, which note has one flag?" 

"An eighth note." 

"And two of those make up what?" 

"A quarter note." 

"Alright, which one has two flags?" 

"A sixteenth note. Which two of those make up an eighth note so four make up a quarter note." Yoongi looked up with a small smile on his lips. "So eight would make up a whole note." 

Namjoon kept a level expression when he turned around and mumbled a soft thank you. 


I love sassy Yoongi. 

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