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Jin froze in his spot as he eyed the man standing before him. The man's frantic eyes darted back and forth over each labeled bottle before dropping it into the sink. Some rolled around there, some bounced against the ceramic surface before hitting the floor. His eyes followed the last bottle as it dropped beside the tube of Neosporin. The shoe wavered in his hand when the sound of the bottles rattling stopped.

"Where is it?" a hushed voice asked.

Jin's attention shot back up to the man who was now glaring at him. "Where's what?" he whispered.

"My medication. Don't play dumb, where is it?" he repeated.

Jin shook his head but tightened his grip back around his slipper. "I don't have your medication. That's my medicine cabinet."

The man scoffed and returned to pilfering through the last few bottles before letting out a strangled cry. "I need it! You had no right to come in here and move things!"

Jin took a step back from the doorway. "I think it's best if you leave now." His voice shook as he spoke. He hadn't necessarily believed his siblings about an intruder but that quickly changed while staring one. "I'm going to phone the police and report you. Surely you don't want to spend the night in jail.." he trailed off. The man had taken a step towards him.

"Call them," he sneered.

He turned on heel and raced from the room. He paused in the hall and turned back to grab the red handle of his first aid kit before resuming his bolt down the hall.

"Downstairs! Both of you downstairs now!" He yelled as he passed by Joon's open door. Namjoon braced a hand against his door frame to keep his weight off his injured foot. "Why?" he called out to Jin.

"Family meeting! Code Red! Intruder alert! How many ways do you want it worded Joon?" Came the response. "Just get down here!"

Dae wrapped an arm around his waist and helped him to the banister for support. "Careful," she whispered as he balanced between her and the railing.

Jin met them at the bottom of the stairs with his phone in his hand. His already large eyes widened comically as he stared past them to the second floor. The dark haired man from his room walked slowly until he paused at Joon's door. A shorter blonde haired man stepped from the room to join him. He sucked in a shallow breath when he noticed another man come from Dae's room.

The three men looked down at them as the siblings huddled together. Namjoon had shoved Dae between himself and Jin, who wasted no time pushing her back behind them.

"Who the hell are you?" Joon snarled. He rarely got angry but when he did... Dae shuddered. She had never heard him sound so lethal.

"The occupants," the three voices sounded at once.

"And you're the intruders here," the dark haired man added. 


Short chapter, I know, but I've been thinking a lot about how I want this to go and I'm feeling inspired! Thank you so much for the votes and comments! 

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