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Namjoon's car came to a slow stop in the driveway. The crunch of gravel stopped Jungkook's fist from knocking on the front door. He turned and slowly lowered his hand before smiling. 

"Hey guys!" 

Dae grinned immediately when she noticed their neighbor. "Hey! Did you need something or just stopping by?" 

She slipped her key into the lock to open the door for him. The house had been fully unpacked since the last time he had been inside. 

"I was actually coming by to see if you three wanted to come over for game night with me and Jimin," he replied. 

"Game night?" Jin stepped out of the kitchen with his apron still tied around his waist. "What sort of games?" 

Namjoon dropped his bag on the couch. He still had a bit of homework left to finish up but he could spare a couple hours if the other two were interested. 

"Well we usually play Mario Kart but with just two people it isn't always as much fun. Not to mention that I can get competitive and Jimin said he wasn't going to play with just me anymore." His eyes almost disappeared with his sheepish grin. 

Jin laughed and started to untie the apron. "Sounds like someone we know." His eyes were directed at Dae. 

"I'm not that competitive! You guys cheat!" She responded. 

"You threw a game controller at me during Super Smash Brothers," Joon raised an eyebrow at her. 

"You threatened to pull my eyebrows off for sniping you during a game of Call of Duty," Jin added. 

Jungkook's mouth dropped open slightly. "Not that competitive she says. Wow. Sounds like you're way worse than me." He grinned. "Now you guys have to come play. I would love some actual competition!" 

Jin looked over at the other two before nodding. "What time would you like us to come over?"

"Jimin was off work today so now is fine if you aren't busy." 

Dae dropped her bag on the couch beside Namjoon's and followed them out. 

"So does Jimin not like to play much?" Jin asked as they walked next door. 

"It's not that he doesn't like to play, he just doesn't like that I always win," Jungkook answered. 

"You mean I don't like that you gloat over every victory and sulk when you lose," Jimin held the front door open for them. 

The five of them gathered around the living room and quickly realized that one of them would have to sit out the game. "You guys can play, I need to put dinner on," Jimin offered. 

"Alright, whoever comes in last place can pass you their controller," Jin suggested. 

"Sounds good!" Jimin smiled over his shoulder. He had already started making his way back to the kitchen. It was obvious that he wasn't exactly thrilled to play just yet. 

The first round eliminated Namjoon quickly. 

"Stop it with the blue shells!" Jungkook yelled. 

"Get him!" Dae launched a blue shell just as Jin used lightning. 

With Jungkook temporarily unable to move, the two passed him. 

"Not so fast," Jimin smiled and threw his own shell which knocked Dae out of the way for Jin to pass her. The two shared a quick high five. 

"Looks like I took out the wrong person," Dae glared at Jimin for a moment. "What do you say Kookie? Truce?" 

"Just until we get them out of the way," he agreed. 

After several more rounds of the fourth controller being passed between Namjoon and Jimin, the score was tied between two wins for Dae and two for Jungkook. 

"I'm going to head back, I have to finish up my homework," Namjoon stood to leave. 

"Yeah, I should make dinner myself and get started on cleaning the kitchen up," Jin laid down his controller. 

"Count me out as well," Jimin yawned. 

Jungkook leaned back against the couch for a moment while looking over at Dae. "Last match then?" 

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she agreed. 

They lead was passed back and forth between the two until Jungkook swerved in front of her and stole the item box she was aiming for. He dropped the banana peel before she had time to respond and watched as her character spun out of control. He crossed the finish line and jumped to his feet with his fists raised above his head. "I win!" 

Dae scowled for a second then laughed. "Yeah, this time. There's always next time." She laid the controller on the table and stood to her feet. "I had fun. We'll have to do this again soon." 

Jungkook smiled as he walked her to the door. "It was a lot of fun. I don't think we've had a full four since.." his smile dropped. He hadn't had anyone to play with besides Jimin since the boys next door had died. 

Dae sensed the sudden mood shift. "Hey, I'm always around if you even need someone to goof off with or just blow off stress. I know we don't really know each other that well but I'm a great listener if you ever just want to talk as well." 

Jungkook's attention had been focused solely on his shoes until he heard her offer. "Yeah," he looked up finally, "that sounds nice. And I'm always here if you need to talk as well. I think we could be good friends, Dae." 

A smile stretched across her lips as she leaned in to hug him quickly. "Thank you." She pulled back and quickly walked back across the yard towards her own house. 

The curtains in front of her window shifted back into place as a hand let them go. He had seen enough. 


Four days in a row! (We'll ignore the six minutes past, I was busy)

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