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Yoongi crept across the floor towards the bed as quietly as he could. His focus was solely on the rise and fall of the blankets. Each breath lifted the blanks before the came back down. So far so good. He made no noise as he stood above the sleeping figure. Hours and hours of research had given him little more to go on than speculation. It wasn't like a ghost could update a blog from the afterlife which meant that someone alive had written the articles he'd spent so much time reading. 

His pale hand reached out ever so slowly towards the top of the blanket. He pulled it back to reveal Dae sleeping heavily. Her hair was fanned out across the pillow. Her relaxed face was unsuspecting that she wasn't alone. His first test had been successful. He'd been able to enter her dream and change it to whatever he wanted. The easiest choice had been a memory, one that was strong enough to still be emotional for him. 

Now it was time for a different test. He needed to know just how strong Dae was. His hand lingered above her for a moment before pushing a few stray strands of hair away from her face. She was solid to his touch which meant he couldn't use her to cross over just yet. He let his hand rest against her cheek until the bedroom door was pushed over. 

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Namjoon hissed. 

A startled Yoongi jumped back from the sleeping girl. He held both hands up guiltily. "I had to try something. Well.. not something but I had to see if she could do something," he whispered back. 

Namjoon glared at him silently and held the door open more. He jerked his head in indication for Yoongi to get out. The grumbling blonde threw one last glance at Dae before walking out past Namjoon. Once the door was firmly shut, the taller boy man turned to glare down at Yoongi openly. 

"What the hell were you trying? And for your sake it better not be anything creepy. I've watched enough Supernatural tempt me into putting a line of salt around her door and I won't hesitate to salt and burn whatever is left of your body." 

Yoongi's expression was blank for a moment before he started laughing. Once he started he couldn't stop. His body slid down the wall and tears were coming from his eyes. "You -" he gasped for air but continued laughing, "You're kidding!" He took several deep breaths and finally managed to pull himself together. "You can't really believe that shit works! It's a tv show. It's fake. I can dance in salt. As far as my body goes, I was cremated so good luck." He smiled smugly up at Namjoon before standing. 

"Your sister is what's known as a lighthouse to ghosts. I've been looking into it and apparently the closer she gets to her twenty-first birthday, the stronger she becomes. She's like a beacon because we can use her to cross over. She isn't strong enough yet. Or either it won't work while she's sleeping." He thought it over for a moment before nodding to himself. "I should wake her up and try it," he turned to head back to the bedroom door. 

Namjoon's hand shot out and caught him by the shoulder. "She has a test tomorrow, you're not waking her up. And there's no way I'm letting you go back in there while she's asleep. Forget it! You can stay right here and explain just what all of that means." 

"Namjoon! Bed, now!" Jin called from down the hall. 

"My room it is then," he directed Yoongi further down the hall to his bedroom and shoved him inside. "Now, speak." 

Yoongi pulled his shoulder away from Namjoon harshly and glared at him. "I'm not a dog. You do not command me to do shit. But since you're not stupid, you might could help. Here it is, like I said already, your sister is a lighthouse. Tae and I did a bit of digging and there are a bunch of names for her kind in different cultures like Santa Muerte, Queen of Mictlan, San La Muerte, Śmierć, Smrt, Hel, or basically like a Grim Reaper. She's pretty much a gateway to the afterlife for us. I guess you can't see it but to us she has this golden glow. Like a lighthouse obviously." 

Namjoon narrowed his eyes. He wasn't buying it. He hadn't really spoken to the other two ghosts but he was pretty sure Yoongi was just messing with him. 

"You don't believe me," Yoongi said softly. He scowled and turned away. "Tae! Hobi!" he called. The other two appeared in the room. "You've both seen Dae. What does she look like?" 

Tae answered first without hesitating, "She is kinda short but not like booster seat short. She has medium length dark hair, big eyes, average build, and she glows really bright like made of lights or something." 

Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. "Thanks for the missing person description. Hobi?" 

Hobi chewed on his lower lip for a second. "Tae pretty much described her perfectly except I would say she looks like she swallowed the moon instead of made of lights. It's not like overbearingly bright unless he means she's made of like fairy lights." 

Namjoon lowered himself to his bed. "You could have all planned this. You could be in on it together," he said firmly. 

Yoongi spun around and threw his hands in the air. "In on what? What the hell are you talking about?" 

"You're trying to trick me obviously!" Namjoon shot back. 

Yoongi leveled a blank look towards him. "You aren't worth that much effort for me. I would just trip your long ass legs while you're trying to go down the stairs if I wanted to mess with you. Or record you trying to sing in the shower. Either would be equally painful." 

"Whoa! That's enough, deep breaths!" Hobi stepped in between them. "I promise you this isn't a joke. Seriously, your sister glows. I know that sounds weird and maybe a bit dumb but we did look it up. There are others like her but she's the only one we've ever met." 

"Can confirm," Tae announced. 

Namjoon glared at Yoongi for a moment more before speaking. "And she won't be hurt if you use her to cross over?" he asked. 

"There's no mention of it in anything we read. She just has to turn twenty-one before she'll be strong enough," Hobi assured him. 

"Alright. Jin and I have a party planned for her. Her birthday is coming up in another week. As long as this isn't something that will hurt her and she agrees to it, then fine. But I will be doing my own research." 

"Suit yourself," Yoongi looked back at the other two then disappeared. 


13 chapters left! 

I almost don't want this to end... 

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