Twenty Six

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The month deadline had passed. They were days away from the day the boys would be crossing over. Things were going as well as could be expected with Yoongi refusing to even look at Namjoon. He had taken to camping out in either Dae's room or on the sofa, where he currently was. Once Namjoon had been made aware of the situation he had apologized profusely to the point everyone in the house was tired of hearing it. 

The doorbell was ringing consistently as though someone had pressed their finger to it and not let up. It was barely past seven in the morning. Whoever was pressing that bell had a deathwish and Dae was ready to give it to them.

"Are you not going to get that?" Dae called from the top of the stairs. 

"Dead men answer no doors," Yoongi called back. 

Dae swore under her breath as she raced down the stairs and snatched the door open. The short realtor gave her a cheery smile. "Good morning dear! Is your brother around?" 

She blinked several times before easing the door to so that only she was visible instead of the living room. With the hand behind the door she pulled her slipper off and chucked it across the room towards Yoongi. 

"What?" he yelled when the slipper made contact with the top of his head. Dae frantically started pointing up towards the stairs. 

"Sure thing Ms. Choi! Let me just go get him," she pulled back enough to glare at Yoongi who took it as an invitation to finally move from the sofa and up the stairs. Once he was out of sight she pulled the door open the rest of the way. "Silly me, it must be chilly outside. You can wait in the living room." 

She ran back up the stairs to pound on Jin's door. That was more than enough exercise for one day. The door was snatched open by an obviously sleep deprived Jin. His hair was sticking out all over his head. His eyes were barely open and there was dried drool along his chin. He had looked better. 

"Erm," Dae grimaced at his appearance, "good morning Sleeping Beauty. Ms. Choi is here for you." 

She turned swiftly and took the longest steps she could back to the safety of her room. Jin wasn't really what she would call a "morning person." When working on remodeling a house, he rarely got the sleep he needed. There was always something more important to do, he would say. Before he had his coffee, she would hardly consider him a person at all. More like a bear. 

With the door safely shut behind her, she relaxed against it. 

"What the hell was-" She clamped her hand over Yoongi's mouth and furiously shook her head. She could hear Jin's footsteps right outside the door. "Shh!" she hissed at him. 

Yoongi's eyes widened comically as they stood there waiting for Jin to go down the stairs. Only once it was quiet did he decide to get even. 

"Ew!" Dae whisper yelled. "Did you seriously lick my hand?" She pulled back the offended hand and wiped his spit across his cheek before laughing. 

"Gross," Yoongi curled his nose at her. 

"Serves you right, now let's go spy on them." She slowly opened the door so that it wouldn't make a sound. She was hoping that Ms. Choi was there to tell him that Mrs. Sinclair was no longer interested in the house. She crept softly across the hall and ducked below the banister to listen in on the conversation. 

"I know we're past the deadline since the month is over and all but there are still things I need to consider," Jin informed the woman. 

"Mr. Kim, that's not why I'm here. Mrs. Sinclair is willing to tie the house up in courts which would result in tremendous legal fees. These types of cases do not take precedence which means it could take months if not years. The costs of lawyers would rack up over time. While she can afford it, I'm sure you know the hardship that would place on your family." The woman gave him a sympathetic look. She was making her commission either way but she did feel sorry for the man. 

"So what is her alternative suggestion?" he asked. 

"Well.." she pulled an envelope from her purse and opened it. "You gave just at three hundred million won for the home, which as you know is well below the average price. She's willing to up her offer from five hundred million won to seven hundred million. It's more than any other house in this neighborhood. You mentioned wanting to get your own realtor license. This would help you do so and to buy your own home outright." She slid the papers over to him with a smile. 

"There's a catch isn't there?" he asked. He wasn't going to get his hopes up. 

"She would expect you out of the house within seventy two hours. You'd be able to afford a hotel until you found something else, even if it was temporary. I actually have a couple properties that would be in your price range that I could show you immediately." 

Jin exhaled loudly and stood up from the couch. "Thank you for your time, Ms. Choi. The offer is too good to pass up on. I'll speak with my siblings but I'll be in touch later this evening." 

No sooner than the door closed behind the woman, Dae was down the stairs. "Are you kidding? The crossing over is this week! I have pre final exams next week! We can't possibly be moving again and not to mention, we can't sell to her!" 

Jin rubbed a hand down his exhausted face and looked to Namjoon who was coming down the stairs. "What's with all the yelling?" he yawned. 

"Your brother has taken it upon himself to decide that he's going to sell the house to that she devil!" Dae yelled. 

"My brother? You mean our brother. And since when?" he shot a confused look to Jin who held the papers out to him. Namjoon's eyebrows raised as he took in the numbers printed there. 

"The contract has already been drafted. It's just waiting on a signature and the money will be deposited straight into our account," he sighed again. To him, it was an obvious choice. "We can just do the crossing over thing before we leave, can't we?" 

"Nope. Has to be on our death day," Yoongi chimed in. He had been standing against the wall listening to them. He locked eyes with Jin, completely ignoring Namjoon who stood between them. "It's the best chance we have." 

"And you're going to get it!" Dae interrupted before Jin could get a word out. She ripped the papers from Namjoon's hand and threw them on the floor. "You're not signing that!" 

Between the lack of sleep, the early morning interruption and Dae's tantrum, Jin finally lost it. "That's enough!" he yelled. "Don't you think that I know that? There is a lot riding on this and you're not the only one invested here! All of our money is in this house, Kim Dae! I have went out of my way to make sure you were provided for and you will not stand here in our home and scream at me." He glared at her as he waited for another outburst. 

"Fine!" she yelled again and took a step back towards the door. "It won't be our house for long anyways!" She turned and ran out, making sure to slam the door behind her. 

"I'll go get her," Namjoon sighed. 

"No, let her cool off for a bit. She'll come home when she's ready," Jin shook his head and started for the kitchen. "I'll make breakfast since I doubt I'll be going back to bed any time soon." 


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