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Dae's eyes flicked back towards the one who had come from her room. He'd said Tae so she was assuming that was his name. He didn't appear so broken or in need of her help now as he stood with the other two. His glare was just as sharp as theirs and left no trace of the fragile look he'd given her just the night before. 

Swallowing her fear she lightly pushed between Jin and Namjoon's shoulders to stand beside them instead of behind them. "We're not intruders though. We bought this house," she said softly. 

All three pairs of angry eyes landed right on her. "It doesn't matter. We were here first and we've been here the longest," the blonde stated. 

"And we'll be here long after you've gone," Tae finished. The lines around his eyes smoothed out some but the hatred was still there. 

At the presumed threat Jin stepped forward again. "I told you I would call the cops. I'm not kidding. You have until the count of three to get out!" Dae tried to ignore the wavering in his voice as it rose higher. She admired that he was putting up a brave front, but anyone with ears could tell that it was just a front. 

Namjoon had been oddly quiet as he assessed the situation. He took hold of Dae's hand and tugged her back before nodding his head towards the kitchen. "Jin," he whispered. The three siblings made a slow retreat back away from the stairs. 

"And I told you already, call them!" The dark haired one's face went from anger to rage faster than Dae could blink. Tae hadn't scared her that much.. but this one, oh this one had her terrified. 

"Police! Now Jin!" she urged and shoved her phone at him. His large hands fumbled over the buttons for a moment before the ringing could be heard through the speaker. 

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" 

"Home intruders! Or invaders! I don't know the correct term. Three men are in our home now and they won't leave. We don't know how they got in. I think one is on drugs and they just won't go!" Jin was practically shouting into the phone while Namjoon kept a steady eye on the kitchen entrance. 

"Alright sir, stay calm. Can you tell me if they have weapons? Are you in immediate danger?" The operator's voice was steady and calm the entire time. Some might find it comforting. Apparently Jin was not one of them. 

"I don't know! I didn't give them a pat down and invite them for a sleepover! They just showed up in our rooms and as far as danger, there are strangers in our home! That seems pretty dangerous to me!" His face had gone red and his eyes were bulging with his yelling. Namjoon took the phone and gave the operator the address. 

"Yes, we'll stay on the line while we wait. How long will it take them to get here?" he asked as though the conversation was about the weather and not how long it would take for the police to show up to deal with intruders. 

"We have one officer in your area. He should be there in just a couple minutes," the operator replied. 

The three gathered towards the back of the kitchen to wait. Jin had abandoned his shoe for a large steak knife and a rolling pin. Dae bit her tongue to keep from asking if he'd like his apron to go with them. Joon's hand gripped her shoulder when the doorbell rang throughout the house. "Stay here." 

The two men left her alone while going to talk to the police. She risked a peek around the entry way to the stairs only to see that no one was there. Her heart started the hammer inside her chest. She couldn't hear Jin nor Namjoon's voice anymore which solidified just how alone she was at that moment. 

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