Twenty Four

111 13 14

Dae blinked her eyes slowly as she made her way down the stairs. The living room had been transformed. There were orange and black balloons tied to the banister going up the stairs. Fake spider webs covered the tables and the sofa. There were fake tombstones in one corner next to an apple bobbing station. Why Jin had chose to put that inside, she still wasn't sure. 

"You can't be down here yet!" Jin came running from the kitchen. His apron was covered in what looked like the insides of a pumpkin. "Back upstairs! Go!" He made shooing motions with his hands. 

"Alright! I'm going. No need to have a stroke." She shook her head to herself and grumbled as she made her way back up to her room. Her eyes locked with Hobi's at the top of the stairs and she stopped. 

"Hobi! Come here a second, would you?" she asked sweetly. 

The tall ghost started taking steps backwards. "I was given strict orders not to speak to you before the party," he informed her. His voice was shaking slightly like he was afraid. 

"Now now, don't be like that. We're friends, right? I mean we do share a house together.." she trailed off as she walked towards him. 

"Jin!" he screamed.

"Dae, do not torture information out of the ghosts! He was sworn to secrecy!" Jin glared at her from the bottom of the stairs. 

She shot him a quick look before smiling back at Hobi. "Party planning can get pretty exhausting. Don't tire yourself out too much." 

Before she could advance towards him again her bedroom door opened and a hand shot out to lock around her wrist. "Oh no you don't," Tae pulled her inside and shut the door abruptly. 

"I was put on Dae duty! Which means we're hanging out until the party is ready," Tae informed her. 

Yoongi rolled over in her bed to glare at the both of them. "And I was coerced into keeping you both in line because neither of you can be trusted." 

Dae huffed and flopped down on her desk chair. "I can be trusted. I just want to know what the big surprise is. I mean I've already seen the house decorated so that's not a surprise." 

Yoongi opened one eye to continue glaring. "You'll see soon enough. Now shush it. Read a book or something." 

Tae pulled a board game down from the top of the closet to play while they waited for the party to be ready. 

After what felt like hours, the sun had started to set. Jin knocked on the door and pushed it open. "The party is starting! Come on, there are already people here," he grabbed Dae's hand and pulled her from the floor and to the stairs. 

The decorations she had see earlier seemed to have multiplied. The entire first floor was covered with orange and black or some variation of a Halloween decoration. "How did you do all of this?" she asked. She was beyond surprised. 

Jin lifted the small gate that looked like it belonged at the entrance of a cemetery for them to pass through before clicking it back in place to block off the stairs. "Hobi was a lot of help. Joon helped too, just not with anything he could break. Mostly we had him in charge of invitations since he you go to the same school." 

People Dae had never seen before filled every available space in the house. There were a few girls from her class that greeted her as she walked past them towards the kitchen. Her nose turned up briefly when she noticed a small blonde girl wrapping herself around Joon. She aggressively cleared her throat to be heard over the pounding music. This was not the kind of birthday party she had in mind. 

Joon lifted his head to look over the girl at Dae. His eyes went comically wide and the girl turned around. "Oh! You must be Joonie's little sister!" She grinned and offered her hand out towards Dae. 

"Oh shit," she heard from behind her. Dae glanced back to see Tae looking like he had just seen a ghost. (End me) 

His hand closed around hers. For the second time that day Tae was pulling her behind him. "Yoongi can't see her," he whispered. 

"What?" Dae leaned in closer to hear him over the music. 

"I said Yoongi can't see her!" he yelled. 

"Yoongi can't see who?" They jumped when they realized the voice came from Yoongi who was now right in front of them. 

"This girl with horrible taste. Her outfit is so bad," Tae's laugh was obviously fake, "like you'd probably throw her out a window it's so bad." 

Yoongi didn't look convinced. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the blonde with Namjoon. "Elise? What's she doing here?" he asked quietly. 

The two exchanged looks as the girl leaned back into Namjoon and threw her arms around his neck. If it were possible for Yoongi's face to go even more pale, it would have been at that moment. 

He started towards them before Tae intercepted him. "You're dead, remember? You can't. She can't see you!" He was talking so quickly while trying to gently back Yoongi up. His body was serving as a barrier so the two couldn't see each other, not that Elise was looking. Her attention was wrapped solely on Namjoon. 

"Did you know?" Yoongi's voice had taken a sharp edge as he spoke. 

"No, I swear," Tae said immediately. 

"And you?" he turned to glare at Dae. 

"Not a clue," she defended. 

"Whatever," he chucked a paper mache pumpkin to the floor and stormed up the stairs. After a moment's hesitation, he passed turned from the hall leading down to the room that used to be his but now housed Namjoon. Instead he went back into Dae's room. The door slammed loud enough that it could be heard over the music. 

Dae started to follow to check on him when a solid muscular body slammed into hers. She was suddenly picked up and spun around before her feet came back in contact with the ground. 

"Happy birthday!" Jungkook sang in her ear. Jimin grinned from behind him and reached around to pull her into a hug as well. "Huge turnout! I didn't know you were this popular."

Her face felt like all the blood in her body was current residing there. "Thank you both! I wasn't expecting this many people honestly!" 

She pulled Tae into the small group to take her place. "I need to run up to the bathroom, I'll be right back!" She sprinted for the stairs while dodging people left and right. Although the two weren't close, she needed to check on Yoongi before he destroyed her bedroom or the house itself. 


I'm not a party person so I would have probably been hiding under my bed. 

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