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"Tae.." Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark room. The silhouette of a guy leaned against her window. The light streaming through the curtains reflected against the blonde strands of his hair. 

"No," his voice resonated throughout the room. She blinked several times before finally being able to focus on the figure. 

"Yoongi. Where's Tae?" 

Dae sat up in her bed, carefully pulling her covers up against her. They weren't much of a shield but it was a habit she had kept from childhood. 

"Does it matter? Does it really matter to you?" There was a slight growl under the words that sounded like a warning. 

She cleared her throat before trying again. "I just want to help him. To help you all really. Jimin told us what happened.. " 

"Of course he did!" Yoongi launched himself off the wall towards her bed. His pale hands clasped the bars of her footboard. "And now you think you know us. You think you can what? Waltz in here and magically fix everything that happened to us? Send us on our merry way?" A deep chuckle left his lips. "You don't know shit. All you know is what was printed in the paper because that's all they know. There's no fixing this," his voice softened slightly at the end, "we've tried." 

------------------------------------------------POV SHIFT------------------------------------------------------------------

He was having a hard time maintaining his anger towards her. She looked like a trembling leaf cowering in her blanket. Though he'd never seen such a golden light come from a leaf. If he believed in something bigger, it would be this. She was glowing and he was pretty sure she had no clue. 

"What are you?" he whispered. 

The slow burning rage that had gotten him through his life and the last several years since that life had ended was burning out. She was a calming force like a gentle rain dampening the flames he wanted to lash against her. 

Her head shook, the hair around her face swinging back and forth with each movement. "I'm Dae?" He scoffed. Of course she didn't know. 

"You'll find out soon enough." He pushed himself away from her bed and disappeared. 

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