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Hoseok leaned over Yoongi's shoulder as the two sat in the floor of Dae's room. Her computer was opened in front of them. "What did she search how to get rid of ghosts?" Hoseok asked. His expression looked almost offended. It wasn't like he had personally done anything to her. Sure, he had scared Jin but he hadn't went near the girl. 

"We did threaten them all basically," Yoongi sighed. "I'm surprised they didn't go running after that but it might be a good thing. At least until we figure out what she is exactly." 

Hoseok's brow furrowed. "What do you mean? She's a girl, isn't she?" 

Yoongi shook his head and continued scrolling down the computer screen. "I'm not sure. I mean, yeah, she's a girl, but normal girls don't glow like a lighthouse." He glared at the screen in front of him. There was so much about her that didn't make sense to him. 

"She glows? Like a firefly?" The serious atmosphere shattered as Hoseok started laughing. 

"Knock it off Hobi. We need answers," Yoongi scowled. 

Hoseok quickly nodded his head. "You're right. Serious business only. No thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs," he chuckled at his own joke only to see Yoongi roll his eyes. 

"If you weren't already dead I would kill you myself," Yoongi grumbled. His lips moved as he read the article titles quietly to himself until one caught his eye. "Santa Muerta," he mumbled. It looked promising. His eyes scanned over the article that was basically a blog post someone had written. "This.. This is it," he said softly. 

Hoseok leaned in closer to the screen to get a better look. "Why does it have so many names?" he asked. 

Yoongi shook his head instead of responding. His eyes were darting back and forth across the screen as he read. It was odd that even though he was dead he could feel his heartbeat picking up in his chest. 

"Different cultures have different names for what she is. In Latin America she's the Santa Muerta. The Aztecs called her Queen of Mictlan. San La Muerte in Northeast Argentina, Śmierć in Poland, Smrt in Servia, Hel in Scandinavia, Giltinė in the Baltics, Izanami in Japan and other religions just call her an angel of death of the Grim Reaper." Yoongi leaned back and rubbed his eyes. 

"It says here that it's not always a woman though," Hoseok read, "The figure is sometimes a man and also has a slew of names but most commonly is a woman. There are reports from all over the world so there's more than one." He looked over at Yoongi and waited for him to make sense of it. 

"She's the answer. I don't see any mentions of children though. The youngest of her kind is listed as 21 so maybe she can't help us until she comes of age." He tried to recall if there had been a mention in the house of her birthday but couldn't think of anything. "Has Jin said anything about Dae's birthday?" 

Hoseok shook his head before standing up. "Nope, but we're going to ask. Let's go." 

The two rushed down the stairs where Jin was singing his heart out in front of the stove. The smell of a casserole filled the air. The broad shouldered man pulled the dish from the oven to sit on the counter to cool off. He dropped the oven mits beside the glass container and turned before letting out a high pitched scream. 

"What the hell are you two doing? Trying to give me a heart attack? Are three dead people not enough for this house?" His yelling was loud enough to wake the dead if they hadn't already been standing in front of him. 

"Cool it, we just have a question," Yoongi glared at him. 

"Yeah, when is Dae's birthday and how old will she be?" Hoseok added. 

Jin's startled expression slipped into a straight face. "That's none of your business. If I catch either of you going anywhere near my baby sister I will personally drag the Pope himself in here to exercise your asses!" 

Yoongi slowly blew a breath out of his nose. They had tried the civil way. He reached forward and caught Jin's hand. "Get the other one," he said lowly to Hoseok. 

They wasted no time dragging a screaming Jin back upstairs to Dae's room and shoving him down onto the floor in front of her computer. "Your sister the only chance we have at getting out of here. So when is her turning 21?" Yoongi growled. 

Jin sat quietly as he read over the page pulled up on the screen. "S-she turns 21 the day before Halloween," he mumbled more to himself than the other two. 

Hoseok looked over at the calendar hanging on the wall. "So in another month. That's not too long." 

Yoongi's expression softened as he watched Jin. "It's a lot to take in. For what it's worth, she doesn't seem to know either." 

"You can't tell her yet! At least wait until she's of age. Let her have one last month of being a normal kid," Jin stood in front of them quickly. He had been doing his best to raise her. There had been times when he knew he had failed her but this wasn't going to be one of them. "It's all I ask. Just let her have her last month as a normal kid before things change for her." 

The pleading did little to persuade Yoongi one way or another but Hoseok took over. "Deal. We'll give her the next month and we won't say anything to her. But the article talks about how she has to be stronger. We can spend that time trying to help her and looking into it more." 

Jin's eyes watered slightly before he brushed the back of his hand over them. "Thank you. They'll be home soon so kindly stay the hell out of her room."


5 updates? Who's this? I'm so excited to get to certain parts! 

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