Twenty Two

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"Alright everyone, gather around." Jin stood in the middle of the living room. Jimin and Jungkook sat together on one side of the sofa. Taehyung was seated beside him with Dae and Joon sitting on the other side. Yoongi leaned back against the wall and Hobi sat in the lone recliner. Jin started to pace then came to an abrupt stop.

"Most of us in the room know what this is about," he glanced over at Dae with an apologetic smile before looking at Jimin and Jungkook, "but you three do not. As it turns out, there's a way for the ghosts in this house to be able to move on, but we have to wait for certain dates."

"Next week is Dae's twenty first birthday. That's when she'll.. come into her abilities," Namjoon picks up where Jin was leaving off. "The week after that is the anniversary of.."

"Our deaths," Yoongi finished. "Which is when we'll be at our strongest and we can help Dae help us move on."

The room was silent for several minutes. No one was sure what to say until Dae finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry, just a quick question. What the hell do you mean by my ability? And how am I supposed to help them cross over?" She looked from Namjoon to Jin in confusion. It was obvious that they were in on something that she wasn't."

Tae reached over and took her hand gently in his. "You're not like everyone else. There aren't many people like you in the world but you have this light. You glow so brightly that it's hard to stay away from you. We're like moths to a flame when you're around." He gestured towards Hobi and Yoongi who were both watching her intently. "You're our only way out of this but only if you'll agree to help us. Please Dae, there's no other way out for us."

She found herself to be the center of attention in a room filled with people, some of which she loved dearly and would gladly sacrifice herself for and some that she was still just getting to know. Still, there was no way she could look up into Tae's big eyes and deny him the one thing he was asking of her. She turned to look at both Hobi and Yoongi and nodded. "I'll help. Whatever it is you need me to do, I'll help."

Yoongi visibly relaxed the tension in his shoulders and slumped slightly. He hadn't expected the girl to be so willing without even knowing if she could get hurt. He was pretty sure she would be fine but there was always a chance that something could go wrong. "Right. Well, you still have a couple weeks to build your strength. Just make sure you're getting plenty of rest for the time being."

"Are we sure this won't hurt her?" Hobi interjected. "I can't agree to it if we're not sure that she can do it without being hurt." The entire thing did not sit right with him. They wanted out, sure, but not at the expense of someone else.

"None of our research suggests that she'll be hurt. I've checked, double checked and even triple checked," Namjoon assured him. "Trust me, I wouldn't even entertain the idea if I thought for a moment that Dae could be hurt.

Jimin was busy watching Jungkook for a reaction. His expression stayed blank throughout the conversation. "Kookie," he nudged him softly. "You're being quiet."

Jungkook looked up finally. His eyes were unfocused as he tried to process everything he had just heard. "What do you want me to say?" He looked from Jimin to Tae. "I'm happy that you won't be stuck in a house you were put through hell in. I really am. But I won't be able to come see you. It'll be final. You'll be gone, like you're really dead," he whispered. His voice was so quiet as he spoke.

Tae took every word Jungkook had said to him and turned them over and over in his head. What was he supposed to say. "Kookie.. I'm already dead. I've been stuck here for over ten years. Almost half of those I've been dead for. The years before that I might as well have been. You're my best friend. You've always been my best friend and you always will be. I want your support on this but I can't force it. I can't make you be okay with this choice but it is my choice. And if there is any way out of here, I have to take it."

Jungkook's eyes started to fill with tears. The room took a collective breath and held it. They were waiting on the edge of their seats in hopes that he would accept it. "I know," he whispered again. He slowly nodded his head. "I can't say that I understand but I do as much as I can. I support whatever choice you make but I'll miss you. I'll miss you so much but I'll let go if that's what you're asking me to do."

"You won't be alone," Jimin assured him. "You still have me and I'm not going anywhere. I'm sure there are others who will be there for you as well. It'll be hard Kook, but you're doing the right thing."

Dae leaned forwards around Tae to look at the two brothers. "I'll be here for you as well. I've never been in one place long enough to make real friends so you guys are the first friends I've ever made."

Jungkook placed his hand on top of hers and Tae's. "Thank you. Not just for saying that but for helping them. They deserve all the help they can get so thank you."

"This has gotten way to sentimental for me," Yoongi pushed himself off of the wall. "I'll be taking a nap if anyone needs me. But don't need me."

"Looks like I have a birthday party to plan," Jin got up to leave the room as well.

"Let me help!" Hobi ran up the stairs behind him already throwing out ideas about decorations and color schemes.


A party and then a finale! Are ya ready??

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