Chapter 1 ~ Welcome to U.A. High

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Holy crap! There it was! You stare up at the shinning glass building of U.A. High. It was just as glamorous as it looked in the pictures! And so big!!! You always knew it was big but this... this was huge!

Taking a deep breath in an effort to steady your rushing heart you start forward trying to match the pace of students around you. Glancing around at them you recognize a boy with white hair and bored look, you've seen him on TV! He looked so cool and natural, like this was just another high school!

Taking a deep breath you turn your gaze forward again trying to match his natural completion. Be normal... As normal as you could be at least. It was hard to even feel like you belonged in this crowded when you didn't even have your uniform yet. Most of these kids probably thought you were some random girl/guy trying to sneak in. But you weren't! Gripping the straps of your backpack harder you do your best to keep your chin up and face forward with confidence. Heroes were confident!

"SH**!!! YOU IDIOT!" A loud rough voice yells from behind you.

What the? What was that? Turning to see what was going on a red blur hits into you, knocking you back a few steps. You blink confused. Apart from the shock of this spiky red hair guy hitting into you, you are fine. But what the heck!

Turning to look at you the boy smiles showing off sharp teeth with a light laugh.

"Sorry." He says quickly.

Turning back to an angry looking blond guy stalking towards him, his white button up shirt damp with liquid, red hair put up his hands slowly backing away.

"Hey! Come on man! I didn't know you were holding a drink." He said still smiling.

You blink unable to take your eyes off of the blond... this guy... looked psycho... the anger he showed on his face was amazing, you could of been across the courtyard and still been able to tell perfectly well he was ticked. A small part of you wanted to laugh but your more intelligent side knew better.

The the crazy looking blond reached red hair, he pushed him out of his way.


Smirking red hair joined crazy blond guy's side promising to buy him a drink later. Once they had entered the building it appealed to you that standing around staring at people in a crowd was not the natural look you were going for. Dang it! Straightening you continue walking digging in your pocket for the piece of paper you had one-handedly scratched out your meeting instructions on the other day.

'Front doors, turn right, walk till you saw a front office sign, ask for Principal Nezu, and try not to mess this up'

You could do this!!!

Pushing through the front doors you can't help but grin.

You were really here!

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