Chapter 3 ~ Potato Head

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Turning from side to side in the bathroom admiring yourself in your new uniform you can't help but feel a new sense of belonging and confidence! You were a U.A. High student! And you were going to earn your place here! Grabbing your backpack you swing it over your shoulder leaving the bathroom. As much as you liked striking heroic poses in the mirror you were hungry and it was lunch time.

It had been a miracle you had found your way to the lunchroom, but you had.

Students crowded the tables eating food and talking loudly. Standing near the front of the line you stared at the choices on the counter. The soup looked good... But the potatoes looked delicious.

"MOVE IT SIDE CHARACTERS!" A booming voiced yelled behind you.

Turning you see a familiar grumpy looking blond strutting his way to the front, the line of students behind him scowling and yelling for him to get back in line as he passed. Who even was this guy?! What made him think he was so high and mighty! Reaching the front he steps in front of you like you aren't even there, reaching for a tray.

AS IF!!!

Sticking your foot out you caught his bulky black boot and yanked it out from under him.


His body hit the floor like gravity had just found a new best friend.

The line immediately went silent with shock as you quickly stepped around him by passing the food trays and simply grabbing a wrapped sandwich. Jumping up the boy stuck his face in yours.

"B****!!! DO YOU WANT TO DIE" he yelled raising his top lip.

Frowning you lean back uncomfortable with the intrusion of space. Fighting wasn't allowed at U.A. High, but this guy didn't seem like the kind of guy who cared about rules when mr/ms under six foot tripped him.

"You don't look like a cripple to me blonde. Get in line." You said as calmly as you could manage.

The boy raised his hand opening his mouth to say something but you grab a plate of potatoes and gravy shoving it into his face as hard as you can. Not waiting to see what would happen next you turn sprinting into the crows of the lunch room, slipping past students and groups easily. Behind you murderous yells of a very angry blond psycho echoed. But it was obvious he was having much more trouble getting though the crowds than you. Slipping out one of the exits you ran down several halls and flights of stairs before you finally stop listening... Nothing. It was quiet and he didn't seem like the type for a sneak attack.

Breathing heavily you slump against the wall unwrapping your slightly smoothed sandwich. Day one and you'd already made an enemy. Why did you have such bad luck with people?

Laughing lightly you murmur the answer to your own question.

"Cuz you grew up playing with fire instead of kids."

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