Chapter 8 ~ Punishing Rewards

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~ Back to You~

After the building had fallen most of it was a blur. You remembered being stuck and Bakugo yelling and pulling you out. But not much more.

Everything hurt! Especially your right foot. But you were just happy it wasn't your face!

Breathing deeply on your back keeping your eyes closed you try to focus on something other than the pain.

Stinking blondy Bakugo!

Did he know anything?! Crumbling the building like that!

But you had to give it to him, guy was wicked strong. Not everyone could topple a building on themselves and still run around yelling and carrying people... still he was an idiot.

"(Y/N)! AY! WAKE UP!!!" Bakugo's voice screamed in you ear.

Jolting you sit up eyes wide open!

"Tch! See she's/he's fine!" Bakugo humphed next to your side in a crouch.

"Bakugo! That is not how you treat fire victims!" The prez snapped from above him.

"Shut up!" Bakugo yelled back.

Rolling your eyes you lay back down. D*** everything hurt... and the only thing that hurt more than your foot was the pain in the A** Bakugo was!

"Dude that was wicked! You brought down that entire building!" karashima said breaking through the crowded with a grin.

"Dont prass him! That was extremely reckless!" another student called.


Something inside you seemed to snap at that remark making the pain momentary seem unimportant. Sitting up again you grab Bakugos suit collar pulling him close to your face.

"You did that on accident idiot! Accidentally winning is not winning." you growl.

Bakugo scowled pressing his forehead against yours.

"You want to go again b****?" He said darkly.

"Ok. That's enough." Mr Aizawa Said.

Letting go of his collar you give him a final stink eye before giving your attention to the teacher.

"Bakugo you were able to capture (y/n) and bring her/him out before time was up. Well done." He said sounding only disappointed by this fact. "We will end with a few simple exercises. (Y/n) you will be visiting Recovery girl... Bakugo will take you."

Bakugo turned to Mr Aizawa with fire in his eyes. Not that you were any happier about this!

"WHAT! WHY ME!?" He barked.

Mr Aizawa looked down at him returning his firy graze.

.... CREEPY!!!!

"Consider it your reward for your performance. Next time you may want to reconsider building damage."

Gritting his teeth Bakugo turned to you his eyes still firy. Why did it feel like you were being punished too!?

"D*** IT! YOU WIMP! LETS GO!" He yelled.

Grabbing you with one hand by your waist he hoisted you up under his arm. Whyyyyy!?

"Bakugo! What are you doing!?" You snap as he begins marching.

"Shut up wimp! If you weren't such a bug you would be able to get yourself help!" he yelled.

How did you carry you like you weighed as much as his backpack!? This was embarrassing and amazing at the same time! Still! More embarrassing!

"Put me down! I can walk! I just need support!" You say elbowing him in the gut.

*A few very tense moments later*

Limping slowly with Bakuho supporting most of your weight you both slowly made your way across the courtyard, back to the school. You hadn't said anything sense he let you down, he'd just kept looking ahead annoyed.

"Hey wimp." He said finally.


"What even is your quirk?" He asked.

"I produce and manipulate hexane gas." you say. "It's toxic in dense amounts, but it's more useful for explosive purposes... that's why Endeavor had me come here."

Bakugo stopped looking down at you confused.

"Endeavor?" Bakugo asked.

You nod, "I'm supposed to train with Shoto, help him out I guess."

"D*** half n half? Tch! How?" Bakugo sneered continuing forward.

"My quirk can enhance his fire abilities, if he is as good as his dad I could probably boost the damage, reach, and direction by double with enough practice."

Bokugo blinked looking unsettled by this.

"That's what Endeavor wants at least. But once I prove I'm good enough to be here without his contract I'll decide myself what I want to do." You admit smirking.

Bokugo didn't say anything but continued walking, silently like he was thinking hard about something. He was almost kind of good looking when he wasn't yelling and complaining all the time. His jawline was strong and his skin was clear and nice...


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