Chapter 2 ~ The Contract

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Sitting silently outside of Principle Nezu's office with your pack on your lap you take in the room in ah. It looked like most school offices, but this one was U.A. High's front office! So cool! They had a clock on the wall and stacks of pamphlets on the table you didn't dare touch!

The door of principal Nezu's office opened and you stand looking over to the small white dog looking things you had seen on the news every few weeks growing up. Apart from his ability to talk, he had strong political skills you had grown to respect.

"Mr/Ms (y/l/n)?" He asked smiling cheerfully up at you.

You nod.

"Come in." He said slipping back into the room leaving the door a-jar.

Moving forward you feel your stomach flutter as you entire the room sitting down stiffly on the chair in front of principle Nezu's large desk. Leeping into his own chair he sat comfortably pulling a file from an organizer and opening it.

"I am glad you are coming to join us here at U.A. High! We welcome all talented youth. But you should know now this will be much more demanding than your other schools." Principle Nezu explained.

"I know that!" You said quickly.

"Good! Your best efforts are expected! But I'm sure you will do great. It's not often we get transfer contract requests from pro heroes." Principle Nezu's smile became uncertain for a moment, "Nor had I ever expected to ever receive one from Endeavor." He admitted.

You nod swallowing. That was right. You where under contract with the school and the hero Endeavor... He was the reason you where able to come here and though your contract with him was simple, you imagined the Endeavor's expectations that could be hard to meet.

*Flash back*


Smoke towered over the buildings as you pressed your back to the cold wall covering your face with your arms as smoldering ruble crashes down from above. Endeavor was in the process of stopping a villian gone wild. You hadn't gotten a good look at the villian but his quirk seemed to be some sort of invisible wall making. Daring to look though your arms, you saw rumble was still falling but not as heavly. Now was your chance to escape! Turning you begin running, but don't get far before a large object shoots past you smashing into the sidewalk in front of you. Squeaking in suprise you stumble trying to switch directions immediately but loose footing instead hitting the ground hard. Gritting your teeth in pain you quickly stand looking back over your shoulder. You feel your heart lurch in your chest, as a tall slim figure also stands from the crater he had made in the side walk, his motions sudden and eerie, almost like a spiders. Turning you go to run but a strong hand snatches your arm twisting it forcefully behind your back and haling you into the street with heavy loathing breaths. Yelling angrily you kick at his legs ignoring the throbbing pain of having your arm being pushed further up your back as you fought. When he had finally made it to the middle of the road he pulled a knife pressing the thin surface to your neck. You freeze, barely able to convince your lungs to breath. One flick from his wrist and you were a goner... But you needed to breath. You needed to get away! Focusing you activated your quirk, feelings the difference in the air that escaped your lips, a nearly unnoticeable gas that would nock this guy out in seconds... But seconds passed and nothing happened... Slowly you dare to look up both knowing and fearing what you would see.

The villian was wearing a mask. Blocking the gas. Crap!

"Mime!" A vocie roared.

Endeavor's form appearing in the smoke as he approched, his figure enfolded in hungry flames. Comparied to the villian he looked ready to take on the world. Showing this was a loosing fight turned sour... because of you.

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