Chapter 14 ~ So Loud

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Throwing the door to home room open you curse under your breath.


What was wrong with you!?

Why did that wimpy girl/guy make it so hard to get your points across!

Marching over to your desk you drop your bag on the ground and slump into your chair.

Everyone around you was talking so annoyingly loud you couldn't help but overhear serval of the conversations.

"Why are there such terrible men out there!? They just-"

"I can't wait till I'm a hero and can bust guys like that every day!-"

"*sigh* my mom as had police sweep our streets twice a day since that night. I think she feels-"

"I can't believe (y/n) was attacked!"

You sat up. (Y/n) was... attacked!?!

"She/He could of been seriously injured if they'd had powerful quirks. I know she's/he's smiling but you can tell her/his arm hurts."

Remembering how (y/n) had been clutching her/his arm when you had first approached you clenching your firsts. Why had she/he said it was nothing! She/he had been attacked!

The door to the room slide open (y/n) framed in it.

Glaring at her/him... you noticed for what seemed like the first time how... fragile she/he looked. She/he was... small, everyone was small to you, but (y/n) was a different kind of small. Her/his shape was built smooth and soft, easy to break. Her/his face didn't have a naturally hard look like yours, yet it demanded attention with those intense (y/e/c) eyes surrounded by messy (y/h/c) hair.


... You could easily fit her/his hands comfortable into yours.

Feeling your face suddenly burn hot again you slammed your hand on the table standing.

This little b****!

"D*** IT!!! (Y/N)! Why didn't you tell me you were attacked?!" You yell.

"Sit down Bakugo." Mr Aizawa grumbled entering the room.

Cursing you took your seat again. Refusing to look over at (y/n).

D*** IT your face was hot!

Why hadn't she/he told you!?

Had she/he still been that ticked about what you had said last week!?

D*** it!

It was her/his fault for leaving before you were done talking!

It was F***ing hard to talk to her/him in the first place!

Half listening to the lecture you tapped your knuckles on the desk impatiently.

This caterpillar of a teacher could talk about nothing for hours!

Slightly turning your head you glimpsed across the room. (Y/n) was sitting slumped in her/his chair looking only half awake.

... She/he was small.

It obviously made her a target.

That was why she/he had been attacked!

She/he had nothing going for her as far as physical strength went. She/he had dodged every hit when you had fought her/him.

How could she/he so strong and weak at the same time?!

If she/he was going to be a hero she/he had to fight with someone who was good at close range combat! Someone who could take a hit!

Her/his quirk was so perfect too.

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