Chapter 12 ~ Late Night

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Mina lived surprisingly far your apartment. You'd had to take the train to get there, but her house was very nice! Knocking on the door it quickly opened to revel your classmate in a normal t-shirt and shorts welcoming you excitedly.

It was almost weird to see her in something so informal compared to her uniform and fight suit.

Following her to her room was like walking into a wall of more informal looks. Everybody looked so.... NORMAL!

Like every other teenager out of the street.

Before now you would have passed any of them and had no idea they were UA students... Though typically you were also a UA student now... and nobody noticed. You doubted even your land lord new!

"(Y/n)! Come sit down! We were just about to start a game of Uno!"

Sitting you smile, uno had never been your favorite game, but that could probably be derived from the fact your brothers loved to cheat. They had always called it creative winning, but it had really made for some sore games and even a black eye once.

Jiro And Asui were as passive as always during the games, Yadyorozu of course used more strategy than you thought possible in such a simple game, while Mina and yourself went for your usual aggressive tactics!

Apparently aggressive wasn't the way to play Uno because Yadyorozu Put down her last card while you still had ten in your hand.

"Aaaaa! How did you get lucky with a two!?"

"Practice! My family plays this every Sunday night! This is just my warm up for tomorrow!" Yadyorozu said smiling proudly.

You laugh along with several other girls. Her family had to be crazy passionate about Uno to play every week!

A few minutes later Mina's mother brought in two large boxes of pizza that the group jumped on hungrily. Bitting into your own slice you could hear the heavily choirs singing.

Pizza was the best!

"What should we play now?" Hagakure asked, her slice disappearing as she took a bite.

"Tails or Tell!!!" Mina said pulling out a coin.

"Tails or Tells?" You ask.

Serval others girls also looking confused.

"It's like truth or dare! But the girl who gets the coin flip right gets to draw a question for the loser to amswer." Mina explained.

"Informational gambling." Yadyorozu grumbled.

No amount of strategy could help her win this.

Serval of the girls seemed uncertain but Uraraka stood looking determined.
"We are all girls! And we all have each other's backs! We shouldn't be afraid to admit anything to each other!"

Reluctantly everyone agreed. Handing out slips of paper everyone had to write down one question to put in the bowl, serval girls pleading everyone not to be too intrusive.

Smiling you think of what to write. You wanted something only mildly intrusive, that whoever got the question could answer without feeling too embarrassed, but give a clue as to something you wanted to know... that something being their crush of course!

.... You had it!

'what store food reminds you of your crush?'

Food was general enough to seem intrusive, but honestly it would certainly give you a good idea as who it was.

Putting your paper in with the other girls Mina mixed them up.

"Alright! I pick randomly! Yadyorozu and Jiro! Heads or tails?"
Yadyorozu called our heads and Jiro willingly took tails. The coin landed on tails. Yadyorozu slowly reached in bowl with an nervous look.

Reading it her face relaxed, "Jiro, what is your guilty pleasure food?"

"... Whip cream." Jiro answered smiling.

"I love whip cream!!!" Another girl's laughed.

Uraraka and Mina went next, Uraraka picking tails and loosing the coin flip landing on it's head again.
"... What store bought food reminds you of your crush?" Mina asked laughing.

Everyone blinked before also laughing at the question, Uraraka turning a bit red.

"Uuuum- well... broccoli I guess." She admitted.

You blinked. Broccoli!? Could she mean!!! Deku!? She did spend a lot of time with him!

"Nice!" Hagakure called.

"Asui and (y/n)!"

"Heads!" You call out immediately.

"Tails is fine." Asui said quietly.

The coin flipped and landed on... TAILS!?!?


Reaching into the bowl Asui pulled out a paper looking at it a moment.

"Cutest thing your crush has ever said to you?" She asked simply.


"I... ha! I've only been here a week. I don't have anyone I like yet." You admit nervously.

"What! Sure you do! You don't have to be dedicated to that person, just about the person who you think you might like!"

Uuuum... might like... might like... though you didn't want to admit it even to yourself... Bakugo had been who you were hoping to grow close to. But he wasn't exactly one to say cute things...

"You're amazing." You finally said shrugging.

Of course the original phase had been 'you're f***ing instain', but there was no way you were saying that.

Not that it mattered.

He didn't actually care about you.

Waste of time... or whatever.

As the evening went on you played serval more games with the group, ate more pizza than you probably should have, and even ended up telling an embarrassing story from your old school.
But it had all been fun!

As you walked back towards the train station around midnight the cold night turned your breath to fog.

It was a clear night tonight, you could even see a few stars!
They were so beautiful.
Though where you had grown up... you could see all the stars.

Suddenly for the first time since you had come here... you missed home.


You knew you didn't want to leave, but you missed what you had left behind.

Then without warning, a large hand grabbed your arm from behind pulling you into an side alley.

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