Chapter 15 ~ Sticky Situation

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*** Bakugo ***

Tightening your boot straps you grumbled to yourself shooting half n half a sideways glare.

It was his fault for wasting so much time! (Y/n) could of been training with you for weeks and instead she/he was stuck his his pathetic emo a**.

Slamming your locker closed you cursed making everyone jump.

"Dude! What's up with you? Your more irritable than you usually are." Sero said laughing nervously.

"Shut up!" You snap.

Marching out of the locker room you entered the USJ training center, shielding your eyes momentarily as they adjusted to the light that shone though the roof.
Standing a few yards away (Y/n) was talking to Jiro rubbing her/his arm that was no longer in a sling.
The nurse hag had finally shown up then.

Glancing away from Jiro for a moment (y/n)'s demanding eyes caught on yours before looking back at Jiro.

Pressing your lips together you turned you attention to your gear.

Why hadn't she/he said anything about the attack?
F***ing b******s! Attacking her/him!  

Once everyone else had finally finished putting on their gear and grouping up Aizawa slowly stood up from his nap yawning. Unzipping his sleeping bag, his hand emerged holding a small cup of sticks.

"Today... we are going to pair up. Everybody pull a stick from the cup... *sigh* and find your matching color... that will be your partner." he grumbled.

You blinked.


He wasn't matching you up... that meant (y/n) wouldn't be with half n half...
So she/he could be paired up with you!

Students quickly began lining up pulling sticks, (y/n) stepping into line.
Grinning excitedly you moved forward quickly.
(Y/n) was yours!

"MOVE IT!!!" You barked shoving Iida out of the way.

"Bakugo!" He called behind you, "We are meant to line up orderly and calmly! How else-"

"Shut up!" You snap.

Getting in line behind (y/n), she/he glancing back at you a moment looking slightly uncertain for a moment before giving a small smirk as he/she turned back forward.


What did that mean?!
Sh**. Your face felt warm again.
S***! FOCUS!


You could do this!

All you had to do was pull the same color!

Watching closely as (y/n) pulled a stick you saw it was yellow.


Grabbing a stick you pulled it out...



"D*** IT!" You yell.

Marching away the stick slowly began to burn in your cracking hand.

This sucked!



This was all another waste!

If D*** half n half pulled the yellow stick... you were going blow his butt to next week!

"Kaminari what color did you get?" Kirishima asked behind you.

"White. I saw Hagakure with my match... our quirks aren't super compatible though." Kaminari sighed.

"I bet Ojiro will trade you." Kirishima grumbled quietly. "As long as Aizawa doesn't notice."

"Good idea! What color did you get?"

"Yellow. (Y/n) has my match, I think."

Stopping immediately you slowly turned leering back at Kirishima with a look of opportunity and murder.

That stick



"Kirishima." You growled threateningly.

Taking one look at you he smiled crookedly, "Ye- ye-" he grumbled holding it out limply.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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