Chapter 4 ~ Class 1-A

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Finding class 1-A had been fairy easy. Scanning ever hall before going down it for spiky blond hair had been the real challenge. Where you afraid of him? No!.... Maybe. Where you afraid of him getting the jump on you? Yes. One of the first things your dad had taught you was that who ever moved first and moved faster won... he'd been talking about fighting fires, but it could apply to people just as well. Especially if they where hot heads. Opening the large door of the class you quickly close it behind you scanning the simple class room. It wasn't so different from your old one... but it was a U.A. class room! So cool!

"May I help you miss/sir!?" One of the few students present in the room asked standing arms straight at his side.

He was tall with glasses and a part in his hair straighter than you.

"... I'm new, but this was where I was told to go." You say.

Straightening his already straight glasses the student nodded.

"Well if home room 1-A is where you were assigned you are in the right room. I am class president Tenya Iida and you may sit there as it is the only desk unassigned to a student already!" He said speedily motioning to a desk diagonal to his own with a straight hand.

Blinking you nod unsure how to respond to his quick speech of authority... what did he even say his name was?

Taking your seat the tall boy with glasses turned to you holding out his hand.

"I apologize! I did not get your name!" He said.

... This guy... did they give out most proper awards here? Taking his hand you shake it firmly, smiling.

"(Y/n)! Nice to meet you- um- prez." You stammer.

Probably would of been smarter to just end at your name, but the guy didn't seem to mind prez, smiling proudly he nodded assuringly... whatever that meant.

As lunch came to an end and student continuously filed into the room your desk quickly became crowed with smiling U.A. students, excited about a surprise new student. A lot of them seemed really nice! People you would like to make friends with! Especially Izuku Midoriya! He was on the news almost every month for something awesome! And he was just as nice in person as he seemed on the screen! So cool!

As class started the tall guy with glasses stood yelling for everyone to sit down and be quiet nearly making you jump out of your seat! GEEZ!!! He yelled like there was a fire!

Soon a tall man with messy long black hair entered the room... he looked... hung over... it made you tired just to look at him.

"We have a new student." He said in a voice robbed of any emotion whatsoever. "Stand and introduce yourself."

The fact the most of the kids already new you was some what comforting as you stood facing the room with a friendly smile. The class returned your look with acceptance and smiles of there own. Everyone except one very uniquely unhappy face in the room that caught your eye immediately. Fighting to keep the smile on your face you locked grazes with that angry spiky hair blond. This... was just... great!

"It's nice to meet you all! I am (y/n)." You say quickly, suddenly anxious to sit down.

Then though this was U.A. High and it was awesome, class seemed to go by at a plainly slow speed. Weather that was because of the robotic voice of the teacher or the holes being burned in the side of your head by the angry blond's glares... who knew?
Then again it seemed all too soon when the teacher snapped his book closed looking up at the class.

"Training in the USJ will begin in thirty minutes, don't me late." Mr Aizawa grumbled.

Thirty... Thirty minutes with that blond screaming in your face... maybe only ten if he wasn't weird and let it go once you found the locker rooms. Standing you turn in the direction of blonde who was already making his way over to you with death in his eyes. Turning into your row he was suddenly stopped by a familiar red blur who jumped over the desks cutting him off .

"Hey! You're that girl from this morning I ran into! The names Kirishima!" He said with his sharp grin.

Clearly unaware of the figure of death hovering behind him.

"I've never heard of a kid getting transferred this far into the year! You must of done something really eye caughting to manage that! What is your quirk?" Kerishima asked.

"I can-"

"Ms/mr (y/l/n)" Aizawa called from the door. "You will be coming with me to prepare for your first day of training."

Following Mr Aizawa down the hall you can't help but feel relief that the blond hadn't even gotten in a word before you were able to leave. His face had been so priceless as you passed him looking so ready to kill you and unable to with the teacher watching. Ha!
You weren't afraid of him!
There were few quirks out there you had heard of that could easily counter yours and the probability of him having one was slim!

"You still need to fill out a form and design of your hero suit. Today will help you desifer what exactly your suit should include." Mr Aizawa said from in front of you.

"But-" you start.

Mr Aizawa held up his hand, "The suit your father sent will do for now, but you will find it's not ideal for fighting other people with quirks." He explained. "Also, after reviewing your file and the reason you were sent here I have a specific assignment for you during today's training. Now listen carefully..."

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