Chapter 5 ~ Mystery Villian

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~ Aizawa view ~

"Alright everyone listen up. Today's training will be focusing on successfully capturing a highly dangerous villain."

"Alright! Fighting!" Kirishima called.

Raising his hand Ida called out, "Aizawa sensei (y/n) has not arrived yet!"

"She will be here soon. It's... her first time putting on her gear." Aizawa said shrugging.

It was a decent lie. But it couldn't be further from the truth. (Y/n) had been ready three minutes tops. Unsurprising for a firefighter though.

"Now, as I was saying. In the field you will come up against many villains who's quirks you are not familiar with, so it is important to be able to annalise how to take down new enemies quickly. You will be split into two groups. Half of you are going to the Conflagration Zone where I will be judging your performance, the other half Ruin Zone, 13 will judge you. Both groups will have a mystery villain to take down. Group Conflagration Zone, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Hanta Sero, Kyoka Jiro, Mezo Shoji, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Tenya Iida, and Mina Ashido. The rest of you are in the Ruins.

"Ruin group! Please follow me!" 13 called motioning for the students to follow as she moved out.

The class split leaving half, the ten called.

Handing a photo to the nearest student you turn leading the group to the Conflagration Zone.

"It doesn't really look like a villain."

"Mmmm- I don't know the helmets pretty shady. You can't even see there face!"

"That's a fire fighter helmet Sero."

"Oh! You're right! That's why it looked so familiar!"

"What sort of quirk do you think it will be?"

"Probably something to do with fire sense their suit looks fireproof... not to mention our zone is almost completely covered in fire."

"Why would it have a big picture with an X over fire then?"

"Tch! Who cares! I'm going to beat him!!!"

"Your the one who should be worried about that picture Bakugo."

Arriving Aizawa gave his class a thumbs up. "The villain will be waiting for you in the area you have forty five minutes to bring him/her out contained. Sense they can't actually try to kill you I will us the speaker system to call your names as 'out' when hit in an opening that would result in unconsciousness or death. Once called as out return here... Go."


From the monitor room you watched the students as they run through the flaming area. Most of them stayed with the group but several split off expectedly. The larger group reached the target 'villain' soon enough. She was standing on top of a pile of cars not bothering to hide. Instantly upon their arrival an explosion erupted around the group sending them flying back. Some students had been quick enough to block or escape the blast but several had not been expecting such a quick powerful attack. Something that should be obvious from a villain who has had time to prepare. Pressing the button Aizawa began listening names.

"This guys like Bakugo but worse!" One of the students yelled panicked.

No. She/he wasn't. She/he was simply at a huge advantage. Rather common seeing villains usually choose where they fought heros.

Another explosion discharged sending several more students flying. This one had been much smaller and more consentrated seeing (y/n) had used most of her hexane gas in her first attack. Pushing the button Aizawa listed a two more names. Leaping from the cars the fake villain made a run for it immediately persuaded by Iida. He was taken out by a corner surprise attack however. Rather disappointing.

Yoyorozu had paired up with Shoto a good choice. Yoyorozu had deduced that the quirk was the control of fire, but that the villain was unable to make fire her/himself so getting the villain away from flames was there best option. Smart. The two were able to successfully lure the villain into a building without fire, trapping her on the third floor with Shoto's ice, high above the flames.
It wasn't looking so good for the villain, completely cut off from fire, lower half covered in ice rendering most of her/his movement, it would seem it was hopeless... but they were too slow. Collapsing suddenly both of the students covered their mouths. Hexane gas wasn't lethal but it definitely wasn't oxygen. Pulling a match out the villain held it up triumphantly.

"Shoto and Yoyorozu you're out."

They had been the closest so far.

Striking the match the ice around the villains feet exploded, though parts of her feet where still stuck to the surface.

But only moments later the last group moved in running into the building yelling excitedly.
Bakugu, Kerishima, and Sero.

Badly able to pull herself free of what was left of the ice the villain ran for the stairs climbing with the three close behind her. This was going to be close...

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