Chapter 7 ~ The Wimp

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~ Bakugo ~

Opening your eyes you sit up coughing smoke from your lungs.


Even now large pieces of the walls fell adding to the smoke and mountains of sh*t. You were probably going to hear about this later from that human caterpillar of a teacher. But how were you supposed to know this crap was so cheep!

"D*** IT!!!" You grunted standing up.

Your right leg stung with pain, the feeling of warm blood spreading around your knee. But it wasn't broken and no little scratch was stopping you from leaving this sh** building!

Another large chunk of the wall fell hitting the ground with an explosion of smoke and shards bounced off of you as you waved the debree from your face. This place would finish crumbling soon and you didn't want to be here when it did! Gritting your teeth you marched towards a large hole in the wall before stoping suddenly, remembering, you weren't the only one in here. Turning your eyes widened at the smoking mounds of ruble. That piece of garbage (y/n)!

"HEY!!!" You yell loudly.

Ignoring your leg you run though the rumble looking for any movement.

If this piece of garbage died!!!! Sh**!!!!

"WHERE ARE YOU IDIOT!!!" You yell angrily.

She/he couldn't die! You still had to beat her! Dang it!!! WHERE WAS SHE/HE!!!

A sudden explosion sent ruble flying to your right as you turn to see the faint figure of (y/n) crouching in the smoke.

Running to her/him you grab her arm pulling her up.

"MOVE IT!!!" You yell.

If she/he could still make explosion as strong as yours she/he d*** well better be able to move. But of course she/he just fell back to their knees coughing. Bug!

"This building is going to collapse any second!" (Y/n) said between coughs. "GET OUT!"

As if to prove her/his point the walls began moaning loudly large cracks spiking up them.

Scowling you grab her/him again hoisting her/him up against you side, positioning your arm under her/his waist. You needed at least one hand free to blow the falling sh** out of the way, so it didn't matter if she/he didn't like being carried like an oversized duffle bag!

"LIKE I'M GETTING BLAMED FOR YOU B****!" You bark making your way though the building.

You were going to be the best! And that included saving wimps like this!

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