Chapter 6 ~ This Was Bad

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~Back to you~

Stairs where your best friend. Your family being in the fire fighting business, climbing stairs quickly had been an every day excersize. Compared to others, climbing stairs was second nature to running. As you passed the fifth floor the group behind you began to slow, but you didn't stop! You were going to the top! They would be nice and wore out by the time they got there... and you would have to to figure out how you were going to beat them without fire or a match. The box you normally carried on you had been in your pants pockets ruined by Shoto's stupid ice! You'd remembered the one in your shirt pocket by luck!

But if one of these kids had a quirk with fire! You were golden!

Finally reaching the top floor you had about fifteen seconds to prepare before the three boys would be there, breathing hard you concentrate. On the hexane you were producing.

Please let one of the quirks be fire!

Red spiky hair sprinted into the room first coming at you with arms the looked like scariness and death. Squeaking you duck avoiding his first swing, his hand taking out the wall instead. That could of been your precious face!!! This guy was crazier than you!

"DIIIIIIE" a familiar rough voice yelled.

Turning you saw blond angry guy, his hand clenched as cracking sparks sputtered in his palm. Behind your mask you could help but grin. Christmas had come early!

But before you could do anything a thick strand of white shot out from behind blondy wrapping around your body pulling your limbs close to your sides. What the heck was this crap!?

"Nice Sero!" Red hair said.

Jumping at you he swung his hand again going for an up hook. Too fast!!! Clenching your teeth you thrust yourself backwards trying to avoid the hit.


It hadn't hit you, but it just caught your mask. The helmet cluttered to the ground, a large gapping bent in the chin that made you cringe. You'd had that helmet since you had started fighting fires!

Kerishima blinked in surprise at seeing your face stepping back.

"(Y/n)!" He gocked.

The blond guy on the other hand gave a forced laugh over his clear rage of seeing it was you.

"YOU'RE DEAD B****!!!!" He yelled jumping forward.

Still ticked about your helmet, you whipping your head to him as he swung his cracking hand, focusing your hexane gas racing forward, catching the sparks from his glove and exploding right in his face. The force sent him flying back into wall.


Dodging another swing from Kerishima you twisted pulling the dark haired guy holding your bonds forward into the room. Gritting his teeth he pulled against you doing his best to keep you still enough for the other two to hit. Jumping up, blondy ran at you again his hand ready. Perfect! Focusing hard you jumped at blondy rushing his attack. Swing an explosion at you it split off around you following the two paths of hexane you had made leading to his two partners.

Both flew back hitting into walls.

"Sero and Kerishima. Out." Mr Aizawa grumbled.

"Dang it! Bakugo you've got this man!" Red hair yelled heading for the stairs.

So his name was Bakugo... good to know.

Free from your restraints now you circled the room freely Bakugo doing the same watching you closely with his red eyes.

"Seven minutes left, let's hurry this up." Mr Aizawa announced.

Bakugo cursed running at you looking bound determined.

Dancing around the room the idiot just couldn't seem to accept the fact his explosion hands weren't going to work for him against you. But you couldn't breath out hexane fast enough to make the back fires strong enough to bring him down! You just had to keep this up for the six minutes left! Leaping back you avoid a large explosion from his hands that hits the floor instead.


"AS IF!" You yelled back


A large smoking crack split the room in two as the roof gave a groaning screech above you both. Freezing you look up, you'd been so focused on the fight you had stoped paying attention to your surroundings! Big mistake!

Between the fight you had on the lower floors and the huge amount of damage it was taking now. this building was likely on its last limb!

Holding his hand up Bakugo aimed, his crackling palm. You turned to him eyes wide. He was going to blow off the roof!?

"DONT!" You yell reaching to stop him, but it was too late.

With a deafening blow he blasted through the top of the building, and while that solved the threat of the roof collapsing on you both it had made an entirely new worse one! Shaking from the blast, the walls and floors quickly began to disfigure. This building was coming down!

Bakugo cursed stumbling as the floor crumbled.

Reaching out to grab something as the ground slipped from under you, there was nothing! This was bad!

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