Chapter 9 ~ Control

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You'd been attending UA high for almost a week now! You'd made lots of friends. Mina had even invited you to a her late night this Saturday!

Surprisingly you had gotten pretty tight with Bakugo and Karashima too, they had a rough sense of humor you matched well growing up with an older brothers in the house. And Bakugo was actually pretty cool then he wasn't yelling at the top of his lungs.  Though you did always sit at least one person away from him at lunch in case he ever got any ideas about getting you back for the potatoes and gravy inncedent.

It had been kind of rough in the beginning between Shoto and you admittedly. The first day you two had been assigned to train with each other it very quickly became apart that Shoto and his father didn't share the same views. But once you convince him to get on board with the whole 'work with me until I can attend without the contract then I'll leave you alone' deal, their daddy son issues where no longer your problem!

Thank Almight your family didn't act like Mr. hot then cold, yes then no's.

BUT WHO CARED! You were in!


"(y/n). You will be training with Shoto today." 13 called.

As usually Shoto looked neither pleased or discusted with having to train with you for the fourth day in a row. He simply nodded moving away from the group as 13 continued giving pairing assignments for today's training.

If you had leaned anything about Shoto in the passed two weeks it was that he was awful for small talk or any kind of talk for that matter.

Following you try to think of a way to break the usual awkward silence, but nothing came to mind.

"Does it bother you?." Shoto said turning to you. "Being controlled."

Staring at him you aren't fully sure how to respond.

"You... I'm sorry what?" You ask.

Though you had been wishing you and Shoto could talk to each other only a second ago this had not been what you had in mind. You weren't even sure what he meant.

"The reason you are here is because my father believes you can be a great asset to my quirk. And you can't refuse. But you show no signs of being resentful to being a pawn." Shoto explained.

Stopping you stare at Shoto a shadow of rage passing over your look of suprise... A pawn!? Shoto didn't look like he meant to be offensive, but this guy was worse than Bakugo!

"FIRST OFF! I am not a pawn! I'm a queen/king! Second. It's called a bargain! If I didn't want to be here I wouldn't. Give and take." You snap pocking his chest with your finger.

Shoto raised his eyebrows, "You don't feel controlled?"

"... no. I wasn't forced to come here. I do on the other hand feel done with this conversation. Let's train." You grumble.

sighing Shoto began rolling up his sleeves. Waiting for him you glance around at the other students already well on their way practicing with each other. Not far Karishma and Bakugo where running at eachother trying to kill eachother as usual. Remembering the rush of fighting them you couldn't help but wish you could train with them instead. Noticing your attention Karishma waved smiling Bakugo glancing back at you also. Waving back you smile. At least they were having fun.

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