Chapter 13 ~ Just Annoying

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Walking to school on Monday you could feel serval eyes on you.

Arm in a sling, a large scrap on your cheek,... and your face all over the news for blowing two idiots up to the roofs the other night.

The struggle had been minimal.

The two men had moved fast, grabbing you and pulling you into the alley, slamming you against the ground... spraining your arm from pushing it so far behind your back!And though you had had a few matches in your pocket, the cigarette in the second man's mouth had been much more convenient.

The explotion had caught the attention of everyone within a mile radios, police and hero's had been on the sight in minutes.

Considering what could of happened to an average girl you couldn't help but feel relieved they had grabbed you!

That was two less pervs on the street!

Mina had called the next day in a panic after watching the morning and you had spent serval minutes convincing her you were just fine.


Turning you saw Jiro and Yadyorozu running towards you in the crowed. Joining your side they looked at your arm and face with concern.

"Is your arm broken?" Yadyorozu asked.

"No. It's just a sprain, I'll have recovery girl fix it if she has time." You say smiling.

"Men can be such pigs!" Jiro said scowling. "I saw there pictures though, they looked a lot worse than you!"

"Ha! I wasn't going to let them off easy!" You sneer, "they asked for it!"

Entering the school the three of you laughed some more about the attack and the late night.

You followed them to the stairs before you split off to go see lady recovery before class stared.

Reaching her office you popped your head into the room to see she was nowhere in sight.


She must of been busy. That was ok though! You could check during lunch or even right before training if you had to! Your injuries weren't serious, just annoying.

Heading back to the stairs to go to class you wondered if Mr Aizawa would let you off the hook for today if there were any in class assignments.

The sprain wasn't so bad you couldn't write, BUT it was totally worth a shot!

"Hey! Dude give it back!" Someone called.

Without warning two boys came barreling out of a room next to you each accidentally ramming into your injured side.

Gocking in pain you clutch your arm. Tear filling your eyes.



Taking a deep breath you feel a vicious shiver go down your spine.

Why couldn't you have Kirishima's quirk?! It would be so nice right now!



Blinking you do your best to keep the tears under control as you turn to look over your shoulder to see...

You hadn't barley recognized his vocie it had been so... not angry.

Mirroring your surprise he looked confusedly at your arm.

Sniffing trying even harder to not cry now you straightened trying not to look like you were in pain at all.

"It's nothing." You say quickly, "Now if you'll excuse me, I don't want to waste any of your time."

Moving to get around him by the wall Bakugo cursed slamming his hand up against it, blocking your path.

Stopping you both glare at each other, not moving his arm Bakugo turns towards you.

He was so close like this! He almost seemed to tower over you.

But what was he even doing? Was he still mad at you for no reason?

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"Well I don't need to talk to you!" You snap.

"I'm going to be the best (y/n). Not D*** half n half! Me! My quirk is the strongest!" He said. "And you- your quirk is... grrrrrr stop wasting my time training with that stupid half n half!"

You glare faltered.

Bakugo had admitted he didn't like that you always trained with Shoto. But this wasn't 'not like' this was extremely angry.

... This was why he had been so ticked off at you?!

"... But Friday you said-"

"I know what I said d*** it!" He growled.

Bowing his head to hid his face his spiky blond hair nearly touched your nose. It looked so soft and fluffy this close up... it smelled like... charcoal!

To most people that wasn't an appealing smell but growing up fighting fires you couldn't help but like it... still.

You two were in the middle of a school hall and you could feel your face flushing.

"Bakugo... you're really close." you admit quietly.

Looking back up at you Bakugo's face was a look of determination and anger you remembered from when you two had fought. Back then you hadn't thought so, but right now... that face was king of hot!

"Hurry up and break that stupid contract!" He said pushing off the wall.

Stomping he made his way towards homeroom.

But you walked slower than him feeling somewhat dazed. It was like being contracted in UA high all over again.

You'd spent two days thinking Bakugo hated you, but he didn't?
He hated that you were always partners with Shoto. But did that mean he wanted to be your partner?

Or... you honestly weren't even sure...

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