Chapter 7

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Me, Uraraka and Shoto have now created our own Villains base and I had Kurogiri,my associate from my meeting from All For One move some furniture and Appliances to our base and since our base is an abandoned  Hero School we found dormitories where the boys and girls rooms are so we all took a room and made our finishing touches. My room has all my extra weapons such as my old Glock pistols that I used when training with Tankbuster along with some smaller firearms in which I can shoot from my wrists via spring mechanism,A/N like assassin's creed but with guns. Then my knives and a knife sharpener  I kept at my nightstand along with duffel bags full of bullets, magazines ranging from normal to drum magazines. I do a shell count almost every day to make sure that I have enough bullets. Then a thought came to my head, why not use All For One's Quirk and imbued the Quirks on my Guns so in that manner I can still be myself and shoot up something very lethal. So I focused my Quirk to give my Guns a Quirk similar to Kacchan's and I went outside cause I don't want to blow up my room or my friends in our base and I set my guns to semi auto and fired and then The bullets upon impact with a 2 target dummies i set up exploded the dummies and then I tried a water creation  Quirk and then The Dummies were submerged in a water bubble prison, then a fire Quirk and I found out that it turned my Guns into Flamethrowers in which its range is just like the bullets 175 yards so my next one is a Air Quirk, This made my Bullets invisible and It literally made a bigger hole in the entrance wound so I need to be careful when I use it on someone, Then After serveral elemental Quirks later I actually realize that I need to keep these Quirk experiments a secret for now and I need to gain some experience in making my own costume and Im already wearing Toga's present, a red shirt with a leather vest, but its to valuable to me to use it in a heist or battling heroes as The new Symbol Of Evil so I need to learn how to make a costume cause Giran has other Clients  to handle and I can't just bother him too much cause he already did enough for me. So I decided that we need to go to U.A for not just my sake but for Shoto and Uraraka's sake for they must grow alongside me as my Comrades and Best Friends, Shoto will do his best for me so I must make him  ready to face his past and I have to ask him the most hardest question. I went to meet Shoto and Uraraka at our converted living room and we discussed our next course of action 1st we must do a Heist of an armored vehicle in which is Guarded by 2 men who have Quirks that I need to fuel my All For One with more Lethality along with money, then came The pressing Issue, Infiltrating U.A and it turns out That Endeavour will be in The School as a staff member. Shoto then went crazy, "NOO! NO WAY IN HELL, THAT BASTARD TOOK AWAY THE ONE PERSON WHO IS JUST AS PRECIOUS TO ME AS YOU,MY MOTHER AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO MOVE IN BACK WITH THIS ASSHOLE AND SUFFER AGAIN!!!"I immediately gave Shoto a hug as the flames are engulfing both me and Shoto and Uraraka was in shock and yelled" Izuku No!" " Shoto I know this is hard for you,in fact this sickens me for even mentioning you living with that son of a bitch,but I need to find a way to get into U.A and unfortunately this is the only way we could get in, cause I need to obtain more skills, Uraraka needs to provide for her family and you need to become strong enough to finish off the bastard who dared to call himself your Father. Iam so sorry for for this." Said Izuku with a sad look in his eyes as he hugged  Shoto . FLASHBACK Shoto
knew that even though he had suffered a lot at the hands of his father, Izuku was the only person who was there for him when he ran away from home, and his father searched for him after he become a runaway, he lived in Isolation in a  tunnel where he would talk with himself and when he was hungry he would actually find a person and rob him using his fire side and the person would just drop his stuff and leave while threatening that a Pro Hero will stop them very soon while calling him a Villain. If only they knew the dark side of Hero Society they wouldn't talk like that. Then one fateful day as he was eating his ill gotten gains he overheard a conversation with The Number One Pro Hero All Might and a young boy who was his age who talked about being a Hero without a Quirk. Shoto was shocked that someone wants to be a hero without a Quirk. Then he heard All Might saying soul crushing words that caused The boy to fall in despair, Then Shoto's Ice side activated and started a conversation between his ice side and fire side, They both missed their mother and wished that someone acknowledged them and their existence of how horrible Heroes really are, Then the fire side was in deep anguish that he almost killed a passerby when he exerted his flames due to intense emotions. Then while conversing with himself a boy who's voice matched the one talking to All Might came and for the first time someone asked if they could help him even though his wild fire side was on.It was the first time since his mother was put away in a mental institution for throwing boiling water at his eye that he felt comfort and happiness. His Ice side explains the conversation and who got them to this point that he saw that Izuku shook in anger and grief that a Hero did this to them and on the spot vowed to be his hero even if the world sees him as a Villain he will at least be his hero. Then Izuku introduced him to his mother while taking him in and he later felt comfortable in the Midoriya household. Then he saw his saw a scene in which seriously made Shoto livid. He saw a ashblond boy literally beating up his hero and then using his Explosion Quirk on him several times while kicking him on fetal position. Shoto realized he had to do something so he needs to conceal his identity to protect Midoriya and himself so he found a All Might hoodie which was worn out and used his fire side to only changed the color to Black and then made a fire and Ice mask to resemble a oni. He then ran outside and then bumrushed the ashblond boy. The Ice side came on and said" How dare you hurt him!" And he froze his fist and punched the boy straight in the face. Then the fire side came on." HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR MEAT,MEDIUM OR WELL DONE!!!" said Shoto as he tried to shoot a stream of Fire into The boy's crotch area. The boy dodged and screamed."WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?,ICY- HOT,CAN'T YOU MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN  BUSINESS?!?" Shoto then proceeded to pick up Izuku and bring him back inside the house. Once there He used his Ice side to make an Ice pack for Izuku and he scolded Izuku for not relying on his help, cause this is the first time that both his fire and ice side both want to kill a person. Izuku just smiled and told Shoto that even if he is weak he will do his best to protect him. Also not to do anything to "Kacchan" the one who Shoto nearly incinerated cause that will cause problems and he will be taken back to his dad by force.Then one night he woke up to get a glass of water and noticed Izuku stepping out of the house and decided to follow him. Then he saw Izuku going into a trailer and what he saw was unbelievable, Izuku was doing basic Gym bodybuilding and he has a six pack then he saw Izuku target practicing with guns and he was very accurate in using them. Then Shoto saw Izuku go into an alleyway and saw him attacked by a girl and several Villains showed up. Shoto wanted to help then he heard Izuku ask to find a man named Stain and went to the rooftop, Shoto then sneaked into the roof using his Ice and saw Izuku and Stain battling then he heard the exchange of words with Izuku and Stain, Izuku was planning to get stronger to protect him and it moved Shoto's heart from hearing how much Izuku worked to get stronger just to protect him. Then Shoto decided that he doesn't need to keep tailing Izuku to find out what he's up to cause he now knows that he is the reason Izuku was sneaking out these past few months.
Shoto then remembered why Izuku needed to do it so Shoto finally calmed down and Izuku was still there alive and holding him, Then Uraraka then grabbed a frying pan and started hitting both the fledgling Villains with the frying pan while crying" You idiots,don't EVER make me worry like that again!" As she stopped she fell to her knees crying, me and Shoto both gave her a hug and  afterwards I instructed Shoto that me and Uraraka will pretend to be a couple who found you in a tunnel as a hobo and we found a missing persons notification at the Hero bulletin board that Endeavour put up to find him and turn him in for the reward money and a chance to get into U.A. Then I told Shoto that we will meet each other 3 days from now cause I will need some time to plan. So me and Uraraka took our positions and we took a missing persons poster of Shoto,and Shoto going along with the plan is wearing the same clothes I found him in 10 months ago and looked disheveled and sick due to one of my disguise Quirks, Then We both brought Shoto to the Todoroki household and there greeted us was a large man with a Flaming Beard came to greet us and he was very intimidating and mean faced. " What do you want you brats, I'm a busy man and I don't do Autographs." Said Endeavour. "Uh,Mr Todoroki." Said Uraraka, "Me and my boyfriend were walking through a tunnel during our date and we came across your son that went missing years ago." Then we brought Shoto in front of Endeavour and he immediately knew that this was his son. "Shoto is that you?" Asked Endeavour. Shoto said nothing and Endeavour immediately thanked us and he gave us the reward money of 10,000,000,000 yen and a chance for both of us to get into U.A via recommendation. After Dropping Shoto off, I was seriously blushing after Uraraka called me her boyfriend, and after calming down me and Uraraka took the pass of recommendation in our pockets, Then when we went to the base after Kurogiri transported us, Me and Uraraka both took Endeavour's reward money outside and Uraraka then caused The money to float and I shot at it with my Fire bullet. We both had a very dark look in our faces while doing it cause to us,Shoto was worth more to us than all the wealth in the world.      A/N Well now i have a request for you readers please do vote for my story it will mean a lot to me.

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