Chapter 8

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A/N Class 1-A will not be made up of the canon Class 1-A we love except Bakugo cause I have a bit more planned for him along with Uraraka and Shoto, Instead you will get The canon Class 1-B as Class 1-A and also since Nana Shimura never died from All For One she is living a happily retired life with her Grandson Tenko Shimura aka Tomura Shigaraki except he never went Villain so we will call him Tenko for now. Tenko will be Bakugo's bestie now onto the story. 

I Izuku Midoriya now 15 years old need to infiltrate the Hero school U.A  and find a way to make this wretched society suffer and to do that I need more people so now I need to recruit. Before I was about to think I saw a thug dragging a woman into an Alleyway screaming for help yet no one came and no one but me heard her cry for help, so using All For One I made hoodie which is black and a mask with some random teeth design. So I went to the alley way and saw this man trying to take off a womans underwear while cutting her clothes off , I may be a Villain but There is no way in Hell I will accept rape as a norm for my group or any villain i will rule over, so I used the Loud Step Quirk to get his attention. "What the fuck you want,kid? Can't you see Iam busy-" I then punched him square in the Jaw. "Sorry kid,but now your gonna ,die!" Suddenly he activated his Quirk which allowed him shoot small fire balls from his fingers and control them. "No one ever survived my Will O Wisp Quirk so die!!!" I came out unharmed. " Wow what a Quirk." Said Izuku" But its still no match for mine!" So using All For One I took away his Quirk. "You ain't done nothing you piece of shit." Said The Thug, "Wait,why can't my Quirk come out, what did you do to me?" Said the Thug in fear. Izuku then bent down to the thug after kicking him in the face and smiled behind his mask. "I made you into a victim,just as I saw you tried to do to this woman but here's the thing now you are not even worth anything anymore cause since you may have victimized countless Quirkless or weak Quirked Individuals but now you shall feel their pain." Said Izuku wickedly. Then Izuku pulled out 1 of his Glock and transferred the wind Quirk into the gun, he then used All For One to construct new clothes for the woman and gave her his Quirk imbued gun. " Now I want you to make a choice lady, now you can shoot to kill or shoot him in anyplace else to make him suffer or walk away." The woman now no longer helpless fired the gun and the air pressure crushed his legs upto his knees, then the thug screamed in pain and as Izuku took back his gun he then used the stone projectile Quirk to shoot 2 bullets into the man's shoulder blades The man shrieked from the shots and then Izuku then laughed at his suffering even mocked his wails then Izuku's demeanor became serious and told the woman that she did not walked to this alley way and that she never met him. The woman than left and Izuku still being pissed about leaving Shoto at Endeavour's hands, called an ambulance and left after knocking the Thug cold, later on the news at his home it was confirmed that the Thug was dead on arrival.
Izuku couldn't believe it he just killed a man and it was actually exhilarating  cause that man was a scumbag who perfered to harm others just for his own pleasure while he seeks retribution against those who exploits  others for their own gain, those who call themselves heroes because of their Quirk and enjoy all the benefits while hurting those beneath them, and especially those who caused anguish and sorrow to his True Best Friend,Shoto. As Izuku left his house to clear his mind by taking a walk towards the river he and Kacchan use to play,Izuku bumped into a man wearing  Navy Blue clothing head to toe and wore a Nerf Rival blue mask to hide his identity along his sides were collapsible police Batons, 2 collapsible nightsticks and behind the back of his pants a collapsible bo-staff. " Greetings Izuku Midoriya," said The masked man. "Iam Moin Mahmud (A/N yes its me) and I was asked by Kurogiri to assist you in your plans for any foreseeable futures. But for now call me Ablation for my Quirk Ablation allows me to create and manipulate water at will,I can flashfreeze anything and evaporated it at will and it will cause a lot of damage when I use it on concrete, Steel or even nature, hell I could actually kill Cementoss in a flash but I am really bad at using it in hot desert areas unless its a cold night." "Please leave right now." Said Izuku menacingly " Iam in a seriously bad mood and I really feel like to kill someone cause someone very close to my heart is taken from me and I don't know how is he doing, or if he is eating right or if he is alive and well!" Screamed Izuku at the masked figure." Fear not young man, I've brought good news for you.", said Ablation as he takes out his smartphone by showing Shoto in Endeavour's house eating, sleeping ,talking to people in what Izuku can assume are his siblings and holding a picture of him, Izuku and Uraraka took together while he is alone. Izuku was brought to tears, His friend is doing well for the past 2 days but now he has a bigger question to ask. "How and where did you get these photos?"Asked Izuku sternly " Only perverts can get these angles correct." " Don't worry." Said Ablation " I hired a professional blackmailer/ freelance Photographer named Minoru Mineta and his size and Quirk combined with a camera is a very scary thing. He will do anything for the customer for cash so he can waste it in cabaret clubs even though he is underaged." said  Ablation laughing "And the best part is he always gets bitchslapped by all these women including a girl with a Frog mutation Quirk who he constantly annoys after getting kicked out of them cause once he saw her he tried to follow her only to get a slap by her tongue!" Laughed Ablation hysterically. "Izuku couldn't keep a straight face and burst out laughing from this story. "Ablation." Said Izuku with a serious tone. "I need you,Kurogiri and Giran to find me some potential recruits, I would like to meet this frog girl and Mineta person later but I need more muscle for my crew and certain special skills along with strong and weak Quirks but make sure they are not thugs who kill for fun or enjoy hurting people for their own pleasure." Said Izuku with a cautionary tone. " It will be done." Said Ablation as he turns his body into mist and Disappeared.

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