Chapter 11

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Now we have 3 new members thanks to Ablation's contribution. After the girls received their costumes they asked how did I make the able to fit the girl's slender body. I explained that the base materials that I made for the costume was from a thin substance that is able to fit the frame of any wearer and still retain its protective function , I used my mental enhancement Quirks and Analysis Quirks to discover it,no one but me know its formula. Now its time to carry out my plan. After The entire class finished settling in with Thirteen. Kurogiri transported me first following me,then all the hired goons came out a different portal."Greetings Heroes in training. " said Kurogiri politely, "We are the League Of Villains.

Bakugo P.O.V
I can't believe that Deku was in U.A with me. That shitty nerd always got on my last nerves. I'll never forget that day 10 months ago,after I was teaching Deku to"know his place", a figure with a black hoodie and an Ice white and flaming red Oni mask attacked me out of nowhere. "How dare you hurt him." Was the first thing I heard as he pummeled my face with an Icy hand. Then I noticed that his speech pattern suddenly changed and he sounded unhinged and said to me."HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR MEAT ,MEDIUM OR WELL DONE!" His power suddenly changed into a Fire Quirk from his other hand,and tried to roast my son. Afterwards I screamed at him to mind his own business and he just picked up that worthless Deku and took him to his house. I never saw anyone come out that house after that.I realized that this worthless piece of shit had picked up someone from the street,someone he wasn't supposed to pick up. Then I noticed something strange at night, When Izuku was about to trip,a girl saved him from it,then a boy came out the house using the same powers as the one that attacked me. I now know that Deku is hiding something. Unfortunately the old hag was pissed at me for missing dinner so she grabbed me by my ear and dragged my ass to the chair and I forgot some time after. During these last 10 months I trained for the U.A exam, and I saw a girl with Deku.This girl has a round face,pink cheeks and brown hair.Eh what do I care if this worthless piece of shit has a girlfriend, I'm gonna get plenty of bitches when I become number 1. While I was signing up, I noticed a dude with a half red hair and half white hair really pissed at something at the end of the line. Before I could confront him,my name was called up from the registry for the exam for the hero course. Before the exam started I saw Deku's girlfriend holding the pissed half and half kids arm like a lover.  A/N: Uraraka was trying to keep Shoto's fire side from going crazy when they announced robot villains.  Heh, poor Deku,he was getting cucked without knowing,oh I can't wait to see his face when he finds out. Then at the examination started and with my Explosion Quirk I made short work of The robots. Then I saw that the half and half kid and round face both were fighting 2 robots but something was strange. The way those to fought,are like they are comrades in arms in the military,Round face would float 1 robot and half and half would freeze it, then when the next robot came half and half made an Ice wall where round face would touch it to make it float and make it rain on the robot,tearing it to pieces. Flashback: After Uraraka joined them,Izuku trained Shoto and Uraraka on how to coordinate their Quirks to fight together and also trained them in hand to hand combat.End Flashback.
Then a big robot and both of them destroy that thing like it was nothing.Then I found out Deku was in the Support Gear class and I laughed to myself,first he gets cucked then he gave up his dream. My schaudenfreude doesn't any get better than this. Now after the exam I have to go to class with all the extras. My seat is next to a dude with blue hair and an desperate need of chapsticks.
"Hi my names Tenko Shimura, what's yours." IM BAKUGO KATSUKI DUMBASS AND I'M GONNA BE NUMBER 1!" I screamed. Both roundface and half and half are here too but way in the back.Good I don't need to see lovey dovey shit here. Then suddenly we saw a yellow sleeping bag came up and some old dude came out.He turned out to be the homeroom teacher.
We were then made to do a throw a ball as high as you can exam and use your Quirks to do so and if we fail we are expelled. I put a lot of effort in my throw,so did half and half ,along with the others and it turns out our teacher is an underground Hero named Earaserhead and we all put enough effort in our throws and that round face got infuckingfinity. Turns out teach was lying about it and we all weren't expelled. Now it was me and the corkscrew guy against round face and half and half in our next exam and we both are the heroes and those 2 are the villains. Then half and half fought with me and corkscrew went for the rocket. Then half and half came at me with a freeze ray. Then I countered with my blast. Then he froze my legs in place and formed an Icicle sword and came at me and i pulled my gauntlets pin and an explosion occurred.All Might then chastised me for using it in an enclosed space and then halfy had knocked me over with the blunt of his icicle and gave 2 good kicks to my gut.  I was out and then i was healed by a kiss from an old hag. Later after the break we all are going on a field trip and i got to sit with metalman and chapstick creep, seems like they want to be my friends no matter how much I was an asshole. Then I noticed that after we got off a spaceman came out. Thirteen was there at USJ and we all were put out in a group, Then I saw a portal open and I saw groups of Villains come out and one of them was smoking out and the other one wore a dark green lined black bodysuit and had a dark green cartoon bunny mask on with razor sharp teeth. I don't know what's happening but that bunny's green eyes both remind me of someone and is seriously pissing me off!

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