Chapter 16

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The battle at downtown Hosu was intense, Bakugo and BakugoX were in a very heated battle, Bakugo unleashed endless profanities and explosions at his evil half as a madman.Then Bakugo X had decided to shoot multiple miniature red shots at him,"AP bullet shots!" Said Bakugo X." This is why the new generation hates the old one,why? Oh yes, cause the remix is better! "STUN GRENADE!" Shouted Bakugo. "Bitch please." Said Bakugo," Without the original,the remix wouldn't exist." Said Bakugo with a smirk at his blinded clone and gave him and explosive punch to the face. Suddenly the air started to get colder and condensed along with a chill in the air,a feeling that Bakugo knew all too well. "COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF YOU DAMN NERF FREAK!" Shouted Bakugo. Ablation showed himself from the cloud of mist."Yes it's me you no chill freak." Said Ablation as he picks up the injured Bakugo X. Ablation then created water from his hands and started healing Bakugo X injuries. "YOU ASSHOLE!" Shouted Bakugo as he rushed towards Ablation. Ablation then took out his Collapsible Nightsticks and went for a jab at Bakugo's abdomen and the forehead. Bakugo collapsed from the blows and after treating Bakugo X he immediately healed Bakugo with his water heal Quirk.
"Izuku, I need a favor." Asked Ablation. "What is it?" Said Izuku. "I think I need more water Quirks to be more of an asset to you,so can I please get more water Quirks from your All For One." "All right if that is what you want then ok,cause you have already got me new recruits that fit my criteria as those who can follow my ideals and protect Shoto, so your reward for them are Water Heal and Liquid Control." Ablation then screamed in agony as the new Quirks entered his body.
Ablation then finished healing Bakugo and dressed up in his civilian clothes and transported Bakugo to the home address that Izuku gave him. Mitsuki Bakugo answered the door. She greeted the concealed Villain casually and then saw her son in his arms unconscious. She demanded to know what happened so Ablation explains that Bakugo had been hit on the head very hard by a full bottle of Jack that fell from a high rise building rooftop and that he was a Doctor on the scene who came and did first aid also found his address by Izuku telling him where to go." Mitsuki believed his story and took her son from his arms. "Ma'am I believe that you should keep a close eye on your son." Said Ablation. "Cause eventually he will be in serious trouble." "I'll watch this little piece of shit." Said Mitsuki casually. Ablation returns to base and gave Izuku his reports on BakugoX progress. "Well he actually fought Kacchan very well, but now lets give our KacchanX his own codename.How about X Nitro?" Said Izuku. "Great but I have great confusion in calling our subject Bakugo X so let's shorten it to X for us,you can call him anything you want." Said Ablation nervously. "Ok fine we will keep it as his nickname.
Said Izuku."Now Ablation onto business, I want to attack the Yaoyoruzu Household." Said Izuku darkening his mood." Why is that?" Asked Ablation. "It turns out that the matriarch of that family is insanely strict and abusive towards the daughter Momo."Said Izuku. "The mother treats her daughter the same way Shoto is treated,and we MUST rescue her!!!" Said Izuku." I learned she hasn't had a normal childhood for her Quirk just like Shoto,her mother forced her into learning different composition and components of materials cause her Quirk allows those materials to form from her lipid fat cells,along with forcefeeding her with fattening foods to gain more fat and make more objects to increase her wealth and everytime she falls out of line or does something the mother hates,they lock her in a cell,and she like Shoto has become mentally unstable,SHE NEEDS A REAL HERO!!!"
Shouted Izuku. "Very well,we will summon The League Of Villains." Said Ablation.
Uraraka,Shoto,Mineta,X,Tsuyu,Hagakure,Jiro,Iida,Ablation and Kurogiri all have shown up in the main hall. " I have called you all here because tonight we will attack a Pro-Hero's household.Tsuyu you and your team will do reconnaissance with Mineta and scope out the buildings weak points.Mineta will place these explosive capsules which I made from my support class with KacchanX's sweat to be remotely detonated upon the completion of your reconnaissance so hurry towards us, Then Kacchan X, Shoto, Ablation will be on the front lines attacking the security forces, Uraraka and Kurogiri will both transport themselves to the security room and disable all security devices in the house. I WILL DEAL WITH THE BITCH MOM!" Growled Izuku.

"Mineta,stop groping my breasts or I'll make Uraraka Zero G bitch slap you." Said Tsuyu in a threatening tone. Mineta stopped immediately and said "Well you are somewhat bi-" Tsuyu slapped him with her tongue. "Now hurry up and plant these explosives." Said Tsuyu. Mineta then used his Pop Off Quirk and placed the miniature explosives on his Pop Off lump. After finishing the planting of explosives,They returned immediately to Izuku's command center via Kurogiri. "Now what Izuku Midoriya?" Said Kurogiri" Bring out the big guns." Said Izuku calmly as he pushed the detonator. And simultaneously all the weak points of the gated house and front entrance were exposed to the outside elements.
"What's going on!" Shouted the matriarch, The she saw Shoto in his FrostBurn costume at the lead,Ablation in his full Villain Costume on his right and X in his X Nitro 3 piece suit on Shoto's left.
"Get them!" Said the Matriarch and sent her entire estate security force on the young Villains. Shoto froze and burned many of the security at the front,Ablation has used his new liquid control to take control of 8 security guards bodies and killed them instantaneously by forcefully removing the blood from their vessels and used that blood to launch melee attacks on the other men. X has used Bakugo's Classic explosion attacks on the forces and used AP auto cannon to decimate the men. The Yaoyoruzu Matriarch then used her Quirk to summon a metal stick ,meanwhile Kurogiri and Uraraka transported themselves to the security room and disabled the other security measures of the estate. Uraraka then found the room and level that Momo was being held and told Izuku the coordinates via headpiece. Izuku then used All For One to remove the Matriarch's Quirk and then started beating her with a crowbar he manifested. "Pro Heroes, what is the need for that much wealth when you can use it to make impoverish people lives better." Said Izuku darkly."Now then." Said Izuku picking up the powerless and bloodied Matriarch. What is the combination to the Safe room you placed your own daughter in." The Matriarch laughed maliciously" That room is made to only hold her once the estate is attacked. So good luck trying to free her cause unless you can control metal or produce a Quirk that can melt that door cause I forced her to make this metal to lock her up in that room. She will die with me if I can't use her!" Said the Matriarch. Izuku hearing enough pulled out his gun and shot her point blank. " We are not leaving empty handed,We will rescue Momo if its the last thing we do together." Izuku said as he rallied his group. The criminal crew headed to the basement where Momo was held and it was a thick metallic safe deprived of any light from outside and also barely any moisture present."Fuck!" Said Ablation "Usually that kind of door is no match for my Quirk,but we are in a dry arid basement with a lack of a water main there is no moisture or water source enough for me put against a thickness of a safe of this magnitude!" "We will work together then,Jiro use your Earphone Jack to scout for hinges and echolocate Momo and use Mineta's Pop
Off to mark the weakest one Ablation,Shoto You two will generate Ice. Leave everything to me. "After Izuku got the preparation needed he told all of us to evacuate the basement and after they left,Izuku fired his Green Flame Quirk. Then called the gang once its safe. Ablation then grabbed two 2 liter water bottles and drained the contents out his sleeves Shoto then came to his side,Ablation and Shoto concentrated their beams and the metal was finally corroding."IT'S TIME WE BUST THAT METALLIC BITCH!" Yelled out Shoto's fire side and he broke the door open. Izuku turned on his Green Flame Quirk for lighting and saw a 16 year old girl wearing a tattered blouse and knee high socks and a malnourished body.
Shoto came in first."Who" asked Momo weakly."Don't worry,we won't hurt you." Said Shoto to Momo as he brought her to her feet. Momo then stumbled as she fell and Shoto picked her up. Izuku can you please get me something to cover her with." Ablation took his Dark Blue Cloak off and gave it to Izuku to hand to Shoto
. Afterwards the whole unit of The League of Villains went to their hideout and Shoto covered Momo's eyes before she saw her abusive mother and security force bodies strewn all over the front lawn. Izuku returned his fire to his body. Then throughout the return trip no one said a word as Momo fell asleep in Shoto's arms in a smile. Afterwards Shoto brought Momo to the girls room with Uraraka helping and brought her to The girl dormitory of their base. "Momo is so totally for Shoto." Thought the S ranked user of All For One." I can now go to prison and die happy if I know that Shoto and Momo are safe and together and left this life behind. After all,I am the new Symbol Of Evil for him,and only him and this is why I must make this wreched society burn so cases like Momo and Shoto never come up again. I will sacrifice my own reputation for my Subordinates sake and fight hard for them as they fought hard for me."

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