1. The good times

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You'll never catch me Kookie! I screamed while sprinting down the long corridor of his house. Our loud laughter echoed through the hallways and our heavy footsteps made the floor shake slightly. I made my way to the end of the long hallway and turned left into a second corridor. Only to bump into someone. I let out a squeal as I lost my ballance and fell backwards onto my bum. I looked up at the taller boy who I had collided with only moments ago.
"Aaagh Joonie I thought you were caught!" I shouted
He put his slender finger up to his plump lips, indicating me to be quiet. He grabbed my hand, pulling me off the floor and into a room on the right.

We slid our way under the large four poster bed, still giggling at the prospect of us both winning the game of hide and seek tig. We instantly stopped giggling as we heard 2 pairs of loud footsteps entering the room.
"HELLO!" A voice shouted while peering under the bed. Namjoon and I both let out a loud scream as Jin, the eldest of us all, crawled under the bed. He was closely followed by Tae who was still cracking up at our girly screams.

The four of us were still hidden under the bed, tightly squished together and whispering our plan of escape. Slowly we slithered out from underneath the large bed, Tae hitting his head in the process, causing us all to stiffle our laughs while creeping back out into the corridor. We were instantly met by Jungkook, the main seeker and also the fastest runner.
"Jimin, I found them!" He shouted and the two of them began chasing after us. I ran as fast as my legs would allow me but as the youngest, and the only girl, I quickly fell behind the faster older boys.
I started to slow down and my breathing became short and fast paced.

Only seconds later I felt someone collide with my body and I fell down to the ground with them landing on top of me. I pushed them off me, laughing as Jungkook smiled at me.
"I caught you," he bragged.
I rolled my eyes, "you want a medal or something?" I said sarcastically.
"Yes please," he answered back while showing his goofy smile.

We made our way back to one of the many living rooms. Jungkook lives in a large house with his parents. His mum is a scientist and his dad is part of a criminal gang who called themselves The Bighit Boys. I always thought it was a stupid name for a gang as it sounded more like a band or something but I went along with it.

The Bighit boys became a criminal group about 10 years ago. They started off large with about 15 members. However, over the years, many have been killed or imprisoned for the unforgiving acts they have performed. Their crimes consisted of murders, robberies, attacks, and system hacks. They were clever and they always got what they wanted. My mother and father were the leaders of the group as they set it up in the first place. I was proud of them even though most of the time, I didn't really understand what they did. I was only 9, I wasn't even born when they started the gang so I had pretty much grown up in a life in criminal activity. I hardly ever saw them. I lived by myself most of the time, however all of my friends lived on the same street as me. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Tae, Jimin and Jungkook. All their fathers were part of the gang too, so we had grown up together. I loved them all, they were more like brothers than friends to me. We had known each other from birth. I'm glad I had them, my parents were hardly ever there for me so the boys did their best to look after me.

I was very independent for my age, I had basically grown up without my parents, I had grown up having everything except love and happiness. My parents would come home after 2 months of not seeing me and shower me with gifts and then leave a week later and do the whole process over again. They had taught me to hate, not love. They taught me that crime is good and that killing is positive. I felt lost, like the world didn't accept me, just because of my awful upbringing.

When we walked into the living room, we were noisily greeted by the other 6 boys who were arguing over the winner. After a good 10 minutes of bickering we came to a conclusion that Yoongi won. We all lay down on the black leather couches, finally breathing after the tiring game. After talking about gangs, mafia leaders and recent crimes, my parents stormed into the room.

"Y/n now, we are leaving this shithole!" Shouted my father. I jumped up, not wanting him to be angry with me. I quickly hugged all the boys goodbye. And turned to leave. While walking to the front door, I asked my mother what had happened. "Just an argument with the others," she smiled, "nothing to worry about sweetie."
We walked past the meeting room where the other criminals sat, talking in raised voices about something.
"...kill them..." I heard Namjoons dad say.
I brushed it off and left the house.

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