6. The Reunion

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The next day, I was sat in my office. It was a quiet day and I wasn't planning on going into work today so I allowed most of my workers to have the day off. I flicked through some papers and signed a few documents then got bored. I walked to the window, looking out over the city. The sun had just set behind the horizon line and the city was being slowly shrouded in the darkness of the night. The warm yellow haze of streetlights illuminated the roads so that the vehicles could be visibly seen. Pedestrians and dog walkers plodded their way through the twisting paths and streets. In the distance, the usual sounds of sirens, car engines, horns and dogs barking merged together to make a background cacophony of noise. I sighed, returning to my messy desk to pack up for the evening. I picked up my gun and was about to slide it into my pocket when I heard a commotion from below me. I walked to the door only to hear a series of loud gunshots followed by heavy footsteps. I ran back, crouching behind my desk, hands on the trigger of my handgun.
Everything went suspiciously silent.

Suddenly, in stormed a bundle of people, ten men all dressed in black and holding what I presumed to be fully loaded handguns. I stood up and bullets fired in my direction, I fired three bullets back. The first bullet his a man in the head and his brain spurted everywhere, creating a horrifyingly bloody mess. The second hit a man in the chest and he collapsed to the ground with a loud bang. The third bullet pierced through a man's stomach and he too fell to the floor. Blood seeped out of his body and stained the floor crimson red.

I suddenly felt restrained as an arm wrapped around my neck from behind. He snatched my handgun off me and gave it to another of the masked men. I subtly reached into my pocket, pulling out the freshly sharpened switch blade as though it was a vampire, hungry for blood. I half wiggled myself loose and plunged the knife deep into my restrainer's neck. He grunted before letting go of me and stumbling back. His weak pathetic body tripped over my desk and fell to the floor with an ear spilling crack. His body reacted by jerking up at the now snapped something or other. I laughed before throwing my knife directly at his heart. It dived into his skin and blood stained his white shirt.

I felt a pair of handcuffs tighten around my wrists. As a man began to touch my body, running his hands all over me. I shoved him off, "Don't lay a single one of your dirty little hands on me,"
"Jeez, I was just checking for weapons!" He complained before marching back to stand in line with the other 6 men.

I looked that them, they weren't recognisable. They were dressed in black suits with white shirts and black ties they wore black masks to cover up their faces. Who were they?!

"Nice of you to come by, what can I do for you seven young men today?" I said coldly.
"You shot three of our men." The shortest grunted.
"Yeah well I would happily shoot seven more right now but I was hoping to learn more about you first." I laughed sarcastically.
"Oh you already know us very well," said the tallest calmly.

They simultaneously took of their masks to reveal the unchanged faces of my childhood best friends. They looked at me, their dark eyes filling with anger and hatred.

"B-Bangt-tan b-boys-s?!" I stuttered.
"In the flesh," replied Hoseok.
I quickly regained myself and my mind, returning to my usual rude and cold state, "why are you here?"
"We believe you have something of ours," said Namjoon. He walked closer to me, his breath tickling my neck and his intense glare burning through my soul. He towered over me to show his power and strength over my weak body. He now stood, his face inches from mine, our bodies a breath away from being pressed against each other's.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I spat out.
"Give me the information and we will leave you alone." He persuaded me.
"I-I don't have it on me," I sighed.
"Get her into the car," he ordered the two youngest members.
I felt two pairs of arms grasp mine.
"WAIT!" I shouted.
"What is it princess?" Asked Namjoon.
"1, never call me that again and 2..." I took a deep breath, "the information in on my computer.
"Thank you princess." He smiled coldly before nodding. The grip on my arms tightened and I felt myself being dragged off somewhere.
"WHAT NAMJOON!!! You said I could be left alone!" I screamed at him.
"Oh did I? Well you're coming with us, you may be useful for something."
I felt a bag go over my head and everything went pitch black.

I was pushed into a seat and I heard a car door slam shut. I felt the floor vibrate as the vehicle I was sat in jumped to life. It was silent for a long time and I just listened. The grumble of the car was peaceful and calming. I didn't know how long I would be in here for and I wanted to go home now. My eyelids began to feel droopy and I started to unintentionally close them, allowing myself to fall into a deep sleep...

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