12. The second meeting

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Namjoon's POV
Similarly to the meeting we had the previous day, we sat around the table in utter silence. Although this time, without Y/N.
"Why isn't Y/N here?" Questioned Hoseok.
Everyone looked at me in confusion. I ignored their question and started the meeting.
"So she finally told me!" He smirked.
"Told you what?" Jimin piped up.
"Told me who she gave the information and data to."
"Wow Namjoon how did you do that?! Yesterday she threw a knife into your hand and today she is acting like your best friend!"
"Just leave him alone," whispered Yoongi, although it was loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Where is the information then?" Asked Seokjin.
They all looked at me, waiting for the answer we have all been needy for.
"Jung Soojeongu..."

Their gasps filled the room and loud talk began to make me dizzy. My head began to hurt like hell and I had to get out and away from the noise. I raised up from my chair. Yoongi gave me a knowing glance and nodded at me. I left the room without anyone else noticing.

I was walking down one of the corridors in our house, I wasn't quite sure of my surroundings anymore. Everything was a blur and I couldn't focus on where I was going. I found myself pushing open a door and to my relief, seeing a bedroom. It want my room for sure, I had no idea who it belonged to but I didn't care. I was too disorientated to care, I just needed to lie down. All the stress and work had been getting to me. I hadn't been sleeping on nights or eating as much during the day. I had lost so much weight and I was so fatigued.

I walked into a room to see it was already occupied. A figure was stood by the open window leaning out as if they were going to jump or climb out. My blurry eyes focused on the unidentified person...

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I screamed, suddenly brought back to consciousness, realising who it was. She turned her back to the open window, facing me with fear in her eyes. They were watery and her face was blotchy and tear stained.
"Namjoon-I-I-can-e-explain!" She stuttered while backing up against the window ledge, away from me.

I was about to run towards her and slap that pretty little face of hers but I couldn't move, my legs felt like jelly and my knees began to rock underneath me. I felt myself swaying from side to side until I fell to the ground with a slap. My head smashed onto the ground and hot liquid could be felt pouring out of the crack. The last thing I saw was Y/N running towards me. She cupped my bleeding head in her hands and kissed me forehead gently.
"Joonie, stay with me please, don't go...no...no...please...NO...HELP!"


I sat there on the floor in a pile of blood, his head placed in my lap as I ripped off his white T-shirt. After a short struggle, I pressed it firmly to the blood covered crack in the top of his head. As I was sat there wondering what to do, my eyes wandered down to his now bare chest. I started in awe at his perfectly chilled abdomen. I admired the way his muscles gently bulged out of his body. His waist was small and he seemed very underweight and unhealthy. Perhaps that was the reason why he fainted I pondered.

My train of theories was interrupted by a panic stricken Yoongi tapping my shoulder. He took a minute to steady his breathing as he looked down at the unconscious leader in my arms. He had clearly head my cries for help and left the meeting to find me.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" He spat in my face.
"What! I did nothing!" I shouted back, "he just walked into my room and collapsed onto the floor.
He nodded but his eyes drifted to the open window across the room.
"Shit," I cursed under my breath.
"Why is the window open?" He glared into my soul.
"I needed air."
"Fine, I was trying to escape... happy now?" I groaned.
"How did you get the window open?"
"I used a key... idiot!" I growled.
"Who gave you the key? Only the maids have keys." He pressured me more.
"I... I don't know her name, only her face, she didn't need much persuading." I laughed.

He threw his gun into my hand..
"Kill her!"
I recoiled in shock, "what... no... she did nothing wrong." I cried helplessly.
"Kill her," he said again with more anger, "and if you try to use that on anyone else then your a dead girl!" He grumbled.
I sighed, nodding. There was no way out of this one.

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