10. The first meeting

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"So...Y/N," Namjoon spoke up, "we can either do this the easy way or the hard way."
I looked down the table at Seokjin who's face was blank.
"Tell is where the information has gone and we will let you leave," He said.
"And what if I don't?" I questioned, smirking at their annoyed reactions.
"If you don't?" Yoongi spoke up, "then I guess we will have to avert to more... serious consequences." He paused, thinking, "but I guess we can think about those later."

"So are you going to tell us or not?" Said Jimin in a frustrated voice.
"How about we play a game?" I asked.
"WHAT?!" They all answered in synchronisation.
"Hide and seek."
"Y/N this isn't the time for jokes and games." Seokjin huffed.
"Wow I thought you loved dad jokes Jinnie!" I laughed.
"Did you just call me-"
"Jinnie, yes." I smiled and he returned it.


I watched the tiny, shiny handles on my wrist watch rotate as the minutes passed by. I was sat in the one room that I was forbidden to go into however I didn't seem to care. It was the best hiding place I could think of and they would never be able to find me. I took the opportunity to look round the long, tall shelves of weapons. My eyes scouted the row of handguns; Beretta 950, Bersa Thunder 380 and the third-generation Glock 17C were three of my personal favorites.

I looked at my watch again, impatiently waiting for one of the seven boys to find me. It had been half an hour now, and damn I thought I was a bad seeker.

Namjoon's POV
We had been searching for half an hour and we were about to give up. We had pretty much searched the whole house, upside down and inside out. Then I remembered, there was only one place I hadn't checked...

I walked into the room which I forbade her to visit. I slowly and cautiously pushed open the higher black metal door and there she was, standing smirking at me. Oh how I wanted to wipe that smirk off her pretty little face.

"Took you long enough!" She laughed mockingly.
"Well I did tell you not to come into this room ever again, I thought you would obey my orders!" I complained while approaching her slowly.
"Ah Joonie, you should know by now, I never follow orders from anyone," she laughed again.
"Hmmm we will see about that," I said with a smirk while getting closer to her.

We were so close now, our faces almost touching, he breathing sped up and I could feel her soft warm breaths hitting my skin. My eyes drifted down to her soft, pink, plump lips, they were slightly parted and her teeth were latched onto the right side of her bottom lip. I felt myself moving closer, my lips were now only a breath away from hers. Her eyes slowly fluttered closed and so did mine...


"Shit!" I jumped away from Y/N and both our faces flushed red with embarrassment. "You scared me," I added.
"Yeah sorry for interrupting you guys!" Hoseok said with a smirk and a giggle.
"You weren't interrupting anything," y/n said smoothly, "I was going to tell him who I gave the information to." She paused...
"But maybe I won't," She smiled evilly.

"WHAT!!!" Shouted Jungkook who had now appeared in the doorway amongst all the other gang members.
"Y/N you promised!" Jimin whined from next to him.
I turned my back on them, "well maybe I-"
The click of a gun trigger sounded from behind me but I was prepared.
Sliding to my left to dodge the bullet, I pulled a silver handled knife off the nearest shelf and threw it powerfully at the boy with the gun. He screamed in pain as it pierced through his hand and he dropped the gun. It landed on the floor with a loud clatter and a series of agonising screams and curse words erupted from his mouth.

I walked up to Namjoon, grasping his bleeding hand in mine and pulling out the sharp knife. Tears uncontrollably rolled down his cheeks as more blood flowed out of the wound. I wiped the knife on his clean white shirt and gently slipped it into my pocket. "NEVER try to kill me again!" I shouted while strutting out of the room.

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