8. Scars

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I awake from my peaceful sleep and snapped my eyes open, they darted around the room, taking in the familiar sights of the bedroom I was taken to last night. I sat up and walked to the bathroom. I showered quickly and then stepped out, wrapping a clean white towel around my small body. My legs were almost fully exposed so the cuts from Namjoon's knife last night were fully visible. The deep cuts on my legs were beginning to heal over after Seokjin put some kind of adhesive on them last night. The memories all came flooding back. Today I was getting out of here.

I retreated out of the steam filled bathroom, shivering as the contrasting cold air of the bedroom hit me. I was only a few steps out of the bathroom when I saw someone searching through the drawers by the desk in my room. He turned round at the sound of my entrance, and was now staring at me right in the eyes. Namjoon's deep brown eyes were merely slits as he frowned at me. I grimaced at his unforgiving stare and watched as his eyes ran up and down my half naked body. Then his eyes rested on my cut legs and they softened, the hate in his eyes was replaced with guilt and worry.

Namjoon's POV
I had gone into the spare bedroom to look for some files I left in there. I knew that Y/N was using this room temporarily so I was cautious to walk in during the early hours of the morning. However when I opened the door the bedroom was empty, I had a mini internal freak out before realising that the showers was running. I breathed out a soft sigh of relief and continued to search through the drawers. Suddenly I heard the bathroom door click open...

Out stepped a dripping wet Y/N, soaked hair falling helplessly over her shoulders. Her body wrapped tightly in a small white towel. Our eyes unfortunately met and I found myself staring into her deep mesmerising eyes. Trying to avoid awkward eye contact, I dragged my eyes away from hers but found my eyes darting all over her body instead. I looked down at her legs and my heart broke.

The cuts on her legs were beginning to heal up but they were deep and sharply cut. I remembered her pain filled screams from last night and guilt and regret filled me instantly. The worst part was she saw it, she saw my strong walls breaking down. She saw my heart going weak for her because I felt bad for her. I shouldn't care right, after everything she has done to me?!

His eyes strengthened again and I saw the pain flee from his pupils. His mouth moved back to a harsh frown as he began to leave the room.
"Y/N," He said while turning to look at me.
I bobbed my head to show I had heard him.
"Put some clothes on and get downstairs for breakfast in 10 minutes!"
And with that, he walked the last few steps out of my room, slamming the door behind him.
I groaned, and followed his orders.

I retreated down the stairs on my way to meet the very people I was dreading to see. I was walking down a long corridor. Large doors were on either side of me, I didn't recognise the place bearing in mind I had no idea where I could be. I saw a door at the end of the corridor, it was unlike the other doors on this floor. It was large and made of a black painted metal in comparison to the other white wooden doors. I walked over to the door handle. It was silver metal with intricately carved guns around the circular knob. I traced my hand over the cold material and gave it a push. Surprisingly it opened and I stepped into the dark filled room.

I left the door slightly ajar, should I need to make a quick escape. I looked around. The black carpet, black walls and black ceiling made it seem cold and evil. Covering each wall were large black metal book cases filled with guns, knifes, bombs and weapons of all variety. I walked over to the row of knifes. The silver metal glimmered and gleamed in the very little light that filled the room. I reached out and ran my finger along the freshly sharpened blade and it cut through my finger like water. Crimson blood trickled down my finger and dropped onto the floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shouted an extremely angry voice from behind me. I turned around slowly to see a raging Namjoon stood in a fully open doorway.
"GET OUT!" He interrupted while pointing to the doorway.
I lowered my head and walked out before he slammed the door loudly behind me. He grabbed my wrist harshly, tugging me down the corridor like a disobedient dog on a leash. I stumbled to keep up with him, tripping over my light feet carelessly.
"Promise me to never go looking round this house again!" He said firmly but quietly.
I nodded as he continued to lead me to the kitchen.

Namjoon's POV
We sat down at the dining table, late. Everyone turned to look at an embarrassed Y/N with tears in her eyes. If anyone looked at her, they would never suspect her to be the most feared criminal in the world, she was pathetic. We sat, eating, in complete, awkward silence. The occasional screech of a knife scraping across a ceramic plate making us all cringe. Y/N just sat there the whole time, eating slowly with her head down. I watched as the other boys would take slight glances at her distressed state. Worry filled their eyes but not mine, I knew what she had done, and I was not happy about it. Suddenly, Hoseok spoke up, "Y/N! You're bleeding!" He half shouted, making the poor girl jump from her seat in a phase of indescribable panic. She hesitantly glanced down at her hand which was still oozing blood from where she had cut it on the knife earlier.
"Gosh, Y/N, what did you do?" Asked Jimin.
"Erm... I..."
"She was messing around with things she shouldn't have been!" I interrupted.
Her red face reflected the utter anger and embarrassment I knew she was feeling.

She stood up quickly and threw her plate of food off the table. It smashed on the ground and food and bits of China flew everywhere! She stared us all in the eyes before finely glaring into mine. "You're a monster," she whispered.
"Your parents should have been killed Namjoon! NOT MINE!" She hissed before sprinting out of the room at full force.

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